
Basque Vocabulary


1 - Essentials

English Basque
1 Hello Egun on
2 Hello Kaixo
3 Good evening Arrastiri on
4 Good evening Arratsalde on
5 Goodbye Adio
6 See you later Gero arte
7 Yes Bai
8 No Ez
9 Please! Otoi!
10 Please! Mesedez!
11 Thanks Milesker
12 Thanks Eskerrik asko
13 Thanks a lot Milesker!
14 Thanks a lot Eskerrik asko!
15 Thank you for your help Milesker laguntzagatik
16 Thank you for your help Eskerrik asko laguntzagatik
17 Don't mention it Ez duzu zeren
18 Don't mention it Deusetaz
19 Ok Ados
20 How much is it? Zenbat balio du, otoi?
21 How much is it? Zenbat balio du, mesedez?
22 Sorry! Barkatu!
23 I don't understand Ez dut ulertzen
24 I get it Ulertu dut
25 I don't know Ez dakit
26 Forbidden Debekatua
27 Excuse me, where are the toilets? Non dira komunak, otoi?
28 Excuse me, where are the toilets? Non daude komunak, mesedez?
29 Happy New Year! Urte berri on!
30 Happy birthday! Urtebetetze on!
31 Happy holiday! Besta zoriontsuak!
32 Happy holiday! Jai zoriontsuak!
33 Congratulations! Goresmenak!

2 - Conversation

English Basque
1 Hello. How are you? Egun on. Ongi?
2 Hello. I'm fine, thank you Baita zuri ere! Ongi, milesker
3 Hello. I'm fine, thank you Baita zuri ere! Ontsa, milesker
4 Only a little bit Pixka bat bakarrik
5 Where do you come from? Nongoa zara?
6 Where do you come from? Zein herrialdetakoa zara ?
7 What is your nationality? Zein da zure nazionalitatea ?
8 I am English
9 And you, do you live here? Eta zu, hemen bizi zara?
10 Yes, I live here Bai, hemen bizi naiz
11 My name is Sarah, what's your name? Ni Sara naiz, eta zu?
12 Julian Julien
13 What are you doing here? Zer egiten duzu hemen ?
14 I am on holiday Bakantzetan naiz
15 I am on holiday Oporretan nago
16 We are on holiday Bakantzetan gara
17 We are on holiday Oporretan gaude
18 I am on a business trip Laneko bidaian naiz
19 I am on a business trip Laneko bidaian nago
20 I work here Hemen lan egiten dut
21 We work here Hemen lan egiten dugu
22 Where are the good places to go out and eat? Zein dira jateko leku onak?
23 Is there a museum in the neighbourhood? Bada museorik hemendik hurbil?
24 Is there a museum in the neighbourhood? Ba al dago museorik hemendik hurbil?
25 Where could I get an internet connection? Non konektatzen ahal naiz internetera?
26 Where could I get an internet connection? Non konektatu naiteke Internetera?

3 - Learning

English Basque
1 I get it Ulertu dut
2 Do you want to learn a few words? Hiztegi pixka bat ikasi nahi duzu?
3 Yes, sure! Bai, ados!
4 What's this called? Nola erraten da hau?
5 What's this called? Nola esaten da hau?
6 It's a table Mahai bat da
7 A table. Do you understand? Mahai bat, ulertzen duzu?
8 Can you repeat please? Errepika, otoi
9 Can you repeat please? Errepika dezakezu, otoi?
10 Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ? Emekiago mintzatzen ahal zara?
11 Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ? Pixka bat astiroago hitz egin dezakezu?
12 Could you write it down, please? Idazten ahal duzu, otoi?
13 Could you write it down, please? Idatz zenezake, otoi?

4 - Colours

English Basque
1 I like the colour of this table Mahai honen kolorea maite dut.
2 It's red Gorria da
3 Blue Urdina
4 Yellow Horia
5 White Zuria
6 Black Beltza
7 Green Berdea
8 Orange Laranja
9 Purple Ubela
10 Purple Morea
11 Grey Grisa

5 - Numbers

English Basque
1 Zero Zero
2 One Bat
3 Two Bi
4 Three Hiru
5 Four Lau
6 Five Bost
7 Six Sei
8 Seven Zazpi
9 Eight Zortzi
10 Nine Bederatzi
11 Ten Hamar
12 Eleven Hamaika
13 Twelve Hamabi
14 Thirteen Hamahiru
15 Fourteen Hamalau
16 Fifteen Hamabost
17 Sixteen Hamasei
18 Seventeen Hamazazpi
19 Eighteen Hemezortzi
20 Nineteen Hemeretzi
21 Twenty Hogei
22 Twenty-one Hogeita bat
23 Twenty-two Hogeita bi
24 Twenty-three Hogeita hiru
25 Twenty-four Hogeita lau
26 Twenty-five Hogeita bost
27 Twenty-six Hogeita sei
28 Twenty-seven Hogeita zazpi
29 Twenty-eight Hogeita zortzi
30 Twenty-nine Hogeita bederatzi
31 Thirty Hogeita hamar
32 Thirty-one Hogeita hamaika
33 Thirty-two Hogeita hamabi
34 Thirty-three Hogeita hamairu
35 Thirty-four Hogeita hamalau
36 Thirty-five Hogeita hamabost
37 Thirty-six Hogeita hamasei
38 Forty Berrogei
39 Fifty Berrogeita hamar
40 Sixty Hirurogei
41 Seventy Hirurogeita hamar
42 Eighty Laurogei
43 Ninety Laurogeita hamar
44 One hundred Ehun
45 A hundred and five Ehun eta bost
46 Two hundred Berrehun
47 Three hundred Hirurehun
48 Four hundred Laurehun
49 A thousand Mila
50 A thousand five hundred Mila eta bostehun
51 Two thousand Bi mila
52 Ten thousand Hamar mila

6 - Time tracking

English Basque
1 When did you get here? Noiz heldu zara hona?
2 When did you get here? Noiz etorri zara hona?
3 Today Gaur
4 Yesterday Atzo
5 Two days ago Herenegun
6 How long are you staying for? Zenbat denbora egonen zara?
7 I'm leaving tomorrow Bihar joanen naiz
8 I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow Etzi joanen naiz
9 I'll be leaving in three days Etzidamu joanen naiz
10 Monday Astelehena
11 Tuesday Asteartea
12 Wednesday Asteazkena
13 Thursday Ostegunean
14 Friday Ostirala
15 Saturday Larunbata
16 Sunday Igandea
17 January Urtarrila
18 February Otsaila
19 March Martxoa
20 April Apirila
21 May Maiatza
22 June Ekaina
23 July Uztaila
24 August Abuztua
25 September Iraila
26 October Urria
27 November Azaroa
28 December Abendua
29 What time are you leaving at? Zer tenoretan abiatuko zara?
30 What time are you leaving at? Zer ordutan abiatuko zara?
31 Morning, at eight o'clock Goizean, zortzietan
32 Morning, at a quarter past 8 Goizean, zortziak eta laurdenetan
33 Morning, at half past 8 Goizean, zortziak eta erdietan
34 Morning, at a quarter to nine Goizean, bederatziak laurden gutitan
35 Evening, at 6pm Arratsaldean, seietan
36 I am late Berantean naiz
37 I am late Berandu naiz

7 - Taxi

English Basque
1 Taxi! Taxi!
2 Where would you like to go? Nora joan nahi duzu ?
3 I'm going to the train station Geltokira noa
4 I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel Gau eta Egun hotelera noa
5 Can you take me to the airport, please? Aireportura eramaten ahal nauzu?
6 Can you take me to the airport, please? Aireportura eraman nazakezu?
7 Can you take my luggage? Nire puskak hartzen ahal dituzu?
8 Can you take my luggage? Nire puskak har ditzakezu?
9 Is it far from here? Hemendik urrun da?
10 No it's close Ez, ondoan da
11 Yes it's a little bit further away Bai, urrunxago da
12 Yes it's a little bit further away Bai, pixka bat urrunago da
13 How much will it be? Zenbat balioko du?
14 Take me there, please Eraman nazazu hona, otoi
15 Take me there, please Eraman nazazu hona, mesedez
16 You go right Eskuinean da
17 You go left Ezkerrean da
18 It's straight on Zuzen da
19 It's right here Hemen da
20 It's that way Hortik da
21 Stop! Geldi!
22 Take your time Hartu zure denbora
23 Can I have a receipt, please? Faktura egiten ahal didazu, otoi?
24 Can I have a receipt, please? Faktura egin diezadakezu, otoi?

8 - Family

English Basque
1 Do you have family here? Familiarik baduzu hemen?
2 Do you have family here? Familiarik daukazu hemen?
3 My father Nire aita
4 My mother Nire ama
5 My son Nire semea
6 My daughter Nire alaba
7 A brother Anaia bat
8 Younger brother Neba ba
9 a sister Arreba bat
10 a sister Ahizpa bat
11 a friend Lagun bat
12 a friend Lagun bat
13 My boyfriend Nire mutil-laguna
14 My girlfriend Nire neska-laguna
15 My husband Nire senarra
16 My wife Nire emaztea

9 - Feelings

English Basque
1 I really like your country Biziki maite dut zure herrialdea
2 I love you Maite zaitut
3 I am happy Kontent naiz
4 I am happy Pozik nago
5 I am sad Triste naiz
6 I am sad Triste nago
7 I feel great here Ongi sentitzen naiz hemen
8 I feel great here Ontsa sentitzen naiz hemen
9 I am cold Hotz naiz
10 I am hot Bero naiz
11 It's too big Handiegia da
12 It's too small Txikiegia da
13 It's perfect Perfektua da
14 It's perfect Bikain da
15 Do you want to go out tonight? Gaur gauean atera nahi duzu?
16 I would like to go out tonight Gaur gauean atera nahi nuke
17 It is a good idea Ideia ona da
18 I want to have fun Ongi pasatu nahi dut
19 I want to have fun Ontsa pasatu nahi dut
20 It is not a good idea Ez da ideia ona
21 I don't want to go out tonight Gaur gauean ez dut atera nahi
22 I want to rest Pausatu nahi dut
23 I want to rest Atseden hartu nahi dut
24 Would you like to do some sport? Kirola egin nahi duzu?
25 Yes, I need to relax Bai, zainak askatu behar ditut!
26 Yes, I need to relax Bai, barrenak askatu behar ditut!
27 I play tennis Tenisean jokatzen dut
28 No thanks. I am tired already Ez, milesker, aski akitua naiz
29 No thanks. I am tired already Ez, milesker, nahiko nekatuta nago

10 - Bar

English Basque
1 The bar Ostatua
2 The bar Taberna
3 Would you like to have a drink? Zerbait edan nahi duzu?
4 To drink Edan
5 Glass Baso
6 With pleasure Plazer handiz
7 What would you like? Zer hartuko duzu?
8 What would you like? Zer hartzen ari zara?
9 What's on offer? Zer da edateko?
10 What's on offer? Zer dago edateko?
11 There is water or fruit juices Bada ura edo fruitu jusa
12 There is water or fruit juices Ura edo fruta zukua dago
13 Water Ura
14 Can you add some ice cubes, please? Izotz kuboak gehitzen ahal dituzu, otoi?
15 Can you add some ice cubes, please? Izotz kuboak gehi ditzakezu, mesedez?
16 Ice cubes Izotz kuboak
17 Ice cubes Horma mokorrak
18 Chocolate Txokolatea
19 Milk Esnea
20 Tea Dutea
21 Tea Tea
22 Coffee Kafea
23 With sugar Azukrearekin
24 With cream Kremarekin
25 With cream Kremarekin
26 Wine Arnoa
27 Beer Garagarnoa
28 A tea please Dute bat, otoi
29 A tea please Te bat, mesedez
30 A beer please Garagarno bat, otoi
31 What would you like to drink? Zer edan nahi duzue?
32 Two teas please! Bi dute, otoi!
33 Two teas please! Bi te, mesedez!
34 Two beers please! Bi garagarno, otoi!
35 Nothing, thanks Deus ez, milesker
36 Cheers! Zure osagarriari
37 Cheers! Osagarriari!
38 Can we have the bill please? Kontua, otoi!
39 Can we have the bill please? Kontua, mesedez!
40 Excuse me, how much do I owe? Zenbat zor dizut, otoi?
41 Excuse me, how much do I owe? Zenbat zor dizut, mesedez?
42 Twenty euros Hogei euro
43 It's on me Gomitatzen zaitut

11 - Restaurant

English Basque
1 The restaurant Jatetxea
2 Would you like to eat? Jan nahi duzu?
3 Yes, with pleasure Bai, nahi dut
4 To eat Jan
5 Where can we eat? Non jaten ahal dugu?
6 Where can we eat? Non jan dezakegu?
7 Where can we have lunch? Non bazkaltzen ahal dugu?
8 Where can we have lunch? Non bazkal dezakegu?
9 Dinner Afaria
10 Breakfast Askaria
11 Breakfast Gosaria
12 Excuse me! Otoi!
13 Excuse me! Mesedez!
14 The menu, please Menua, otoi!
15 The menu, please Menua, mesedez!
16 Here is the menu Hona hemen menua!
17 What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish? Zer duzu nahiago jateko? Haragia ala arraina?
18 With rice Irrisarekin
19 With rice Arrozarekin
20 With pasta Pastekin
21 With pasta Pastarekin
22 Potatoes Patatak
23 Vegetables Barazkiak
24 Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg Arroltze nahasiak - zartaginean eginak - edo kuskuan
25 Bread Ogia
26 Butter Gurina
27 Salad Entsalada bat
28 Dessert Deserta bat
29 Dessert Postre bat
30 Fruit Fruituak
31 Fruit Fruta
32 Can I have a knife, please? Ganibetik baduzu, otoi?
33 Can I have a knife, please? Labanarik al duzu, mesedez?
34 Yes, I'll bring it to you right away Bai, berehala ekarriko dizut
35 a knife Ganibet bat
36 a knife Ganibet bat
37 a fork Furtxeta bat
38 a fork Sardexka bat
39 a spoon Koilara
40 Is it a warm dish? Plater beroa da?
41 Yes, very hot also! Bai, eta oso pikantea gainera!
42 Yes, very hot also! Bai, eta bizi-bizia gainera!
43 Warm Beroa
44 Cold Hotza
45 Hot Bizia
46 Hot Mingarra
47 I'll have fish Arraina hartuko dut!
48 Me too Nik ere bai

12 - Parting

English Basque
1 It's late, I have to go! Berant da! Joan behar dut!
2 It's late, I have to go! Berandu da! Joan behar dut!
3 Shall we meet again? Berriz elkartzen ahal gara?
4 Shall we meet again? Berriz elkar gintezke?
5 Yes with pleasure Bai, plazer handiz
6 This is my address Helbide honetan bizi naiz
7 Do you have a phone number? Baduzu telefono zenbakirik?
8 Yes here you go Bai, hau da
9 I had a lovely time Ongi pasatu dut zurekin
10 I had a lovely time Ontsa pasatu dut zurekin
11 Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you Nik ere, laket izan da zu ezagutzea
12 Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you Nik ere, atsegina izan da zu ezagutzea
13 We will see each other soon Laster elkartuko gara berriz
14 I hope so too Nik ere hala espero dut
15 Goodbye Agur!
16 See you tomorrow Bihar arte
17 Bye! Adio!

13 - Transportation

English Basque
1 Thanks Milesker
2 Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop Otoi! Autobus geltokia xerkatzen dut
3 Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop Mesedez! Autobus geltokia bilatzen dut
4 How much is a ticket to Sun City?  Zenbat balio du Eguzkiaren Hirirako txartela, otoi?
5 How much is a ticket to Sun City?  Zenbat balio du Eguzkiaren Hirirako txartela, mesedez?
6 Where does this train go, please?  Nora doa tren hau, otoi?
7 Where does this train go, please?  Nora doa tren hau, mesedez?
8 Does this train stop at Sun City?  Tren hau Eguzkiaren Hirian gelditzen da?
9 When does the train for Sun City leave?  Noiz abiatuko da Eguzkiaren Hirirako trena?
10 When will this train arrive in Sun City?  Noiz helduko da Eguzkiaren Hirirako trena?
11 A ticket for Sun City, please Eguzkiaren Hirirako txartel bat, otoi
12 A ticket for Sun City, please Eguzkiaren Hirirako txartel bat, mesedez
13 Do you have the train's time table? Baduzu tren-ordutegia?
14 Bus schedule Autobus-ordutegia
15 Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City? Zein da Eguzkiaren Hirirako trena, otoi?
16 Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City? Zein da Eguzkiaren Hirirako trena, mesedez?
17 This one Hau da
18 Don't mention it, have a good trip! Deusetaz. Bidaia on!
19 Don't mention it, have a good trip! Ez horregatik. Bidaia on!
20 The garage Konponketa garajea
21 The petrol station Gasolindegia
22 A full tank, please Betea, otoi
23 A full tank, please Betea, mesedez
24 Bike Bizikleta
25 Town centre Hirigunea
26 Suburb Hiri ingurua
27 It is a city Hiri handia da
28 It is a village Herri bat da
29 A mountain Mendi bat
30 a lake Laku bat
31 The countryside Landa-eremua

14 - Hotel

English Basque
1 The hotel Hotela
2 Apartment Apartamentua
3 Welcome! Ongi etorri!
4 Do you have a room available? Baduzue gela librerik?
5 Is there a bathroom in the room? Gelak bainugela du?
6 Would you prefer two single beds? Nahiago duzu bi banakako ohe?
7 Do you wish to have a twin room? Biko gela nahi duzu?
8 A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower Gela bainuarekin - balkoiarekin - dutxarekin
9 Bed and breakfast Gela gosariarekin
10 How much is it for a night? Zein da gauaren prezioa?
11 I would like to see the room first Lehenik gela ikusi nahi nuke, otoi!
12 I would like to see the room first Lehenik gela ikusi nahi nuke, mesedez!
13 Yes, of course Bai, bistan dena!
14 Yes, of course Bai, noski!
15 Thank you, the room is very nice Milesker. Gela biziki ontsa da
16 Thank you, the room is very nice Milesker. Gela oso ongi da
17 OK, can I reserve for tonight? Ontsa da, gaur gauerako erreserbatzen ahal dut?
18 OK, can I reserve for tonight? Ongi da, gaur gauerako erreserba dezaket?
19 It's a bit too much for me, thank you Pixka bat karioa da niretzat, milesker
20 It's a bit too much for me, thank you Pixka bat garestia da niretzat, milesker
21 Could you take care of my luggage, please? Nire puskak zaintzen ahal dituzu, otoi?
22 Could you take care of my luggage, please? Nire ekipajea zain dezakezu, otoi?
23 Where is my room, please? Non da nire gela, otoi?
24 Where is my room, please? Non dago nire gela, mesedez?
25 It is on the first floor Lehen estaian da
26 It is on the first floor Lehen solairuan dago
27 Is there a lift? Bada igogailurik?
28 Is there a lift? Ba al dago igogailurik?
29 The elevator is on your left Igogailua zure ezkerrean da
30 The elevator is on your left Igogailua zure ezkerrean dago
31 The elevator is on your right Igogailua zure eskuinean da
32 The elevator is on your right Igogailua zure eskuinean dago
33 Where is the laundry room, please? Non da garbitegia?
34 Where is the laundry room, please? Non dago garbitegia?
35 It is on the ground floor Beherean da
36 It is on the ground floor Beheko solairuan da
37 Ground floor Beherea
38 Ground floor Beheko solairua
39 Bedroom Gela
40 Dry cleaner's Garbitegia
41 Hair salon Ile-apaindegia
42 Car parking space Auto-aparkalekua
43 Let's meet in the meeting room? Bilkura gelan elkartuko gara?
44 Meeting room Bilkura gela
45 The swimming pool is heated Igerilekua berotua da
46 Swimming pool Igerilekua
47 Please, wake me up at seven a.m. Iratzarri nazazu zazpietan, otoi
48 Please, wake me up at seven a.m. Iratzarri nazazu zazpietan, mesedez
49 The key, please Giltza, otoi
50 The key, please Gakoa, mesedez
51 The pass, please Pasea, otoi
52 The pass, please Pasea, mesedez
53 Are there any messages for me? Bada mezurik niretzat?
54 Are there any messages for me? Ba al dago mezurik niretzat?
55 Yes, here you are Bai, hemen dituzu
56 No, we didn't receive anything for you Ez, ez duzu deus errezibitu
57 No, we didn't receive anything for you Ez, ez duzu ezer jaso
58 Where can I get some change? Non eskatzen ahal dut diru-xehea?
59 Where can I get some change? Non eska dezaket diru-xehea?
60 Please can you give me some change? Diru-xehean aldatzen ahal didazu, otoi?
61 Please can you give me some change? Diru-xehean alda diezadaezu, otoi?
62 We can make some for you, how much would you like? Aldatzen ahal dizugu. Zenbat nahi duzu?

15 - Looking for someone

English Basque
1 Excuse me, is Sarah here? Sara hor da, otoi?
2 Excuse me, is Sarah here? Sara hor dago, mesedez?
3 Yes, she's here Bai, hemen da
4 Yes, she's here Bai, hemen dago
5 She's out Atera da
6 She's out Irten da
7 You can call her on her mobile phone Bere mugikorrera deitzen ahal duzu
8 You can call her on her mobile phone Bere mugikorrera dei dezakezu
9 Do you know where I could find her? Badakizu non aurkitzen ahal dudan?
10 Do you know where I could find her? Badakizu non aurki dezakedan?
11 She is at work Lanean da
12 She is at work Lanean dago
13 She is at home Etxean da
14 She is at home Etxean dago
15 Excuse me, is Julien here? Julien hor da, otoi?
16 Excuse me, is Julien here? Julien hor dago, mesedez?
17 Yes, he's here Bai, hemen da
18 Yes, he's here Bai, hemen dago
19 He's out Jalgi da
20 He's out Irten da
21 Do you know where I could find him? Badakizu non aurkitzen ahal dudan?
22 Do you know where I could find him? Badakizu non aurki dezakedan?
23 You can call him on his mobile phone Bere mugikorrera deitzen ahal duzu
24 You can call him on his mobile phone Bere mugikorrera dei dezakezu
25 He is at work Lanean da
26 He is at work Lanean dago
27 He is at home Etxean da
28 He is at home Etxean dago

16 - Beach

English Basque
1 The beach Hondartza
2 Do you know where I can buy a ball? Badakizu non erosten ahal dudan baloi bat?
3 Do you know where I can buy a ball? Badakizu non eros dezakedan baloi bat?
4 There is a store in this direction Ba saltegi bat norabide horretan
5 There is a store in this direction Denda bat dago norabide horretan
6 a ball Baloi bat
7 Binoculars Largabistak
8 a cap Kasketa bat
9 a cap Bisera bat
10 a towel Eskuoihala
11 Sandals Sandaliak
12 a bucket Balde
13 Suntan lotion Eguzkitako krema
14 Swimming trunks Bainujantzia
15 Sunglasses Eguzkitako betaurrekoak
16 Shellfish Krustazeoa
17 Sunbathing Eguzkia hartu
18 Sunny Eguzkitsua
19 Sunset Ilunabarra
20 Parasol Parasola
21 Sun Eguzkia
22 Sunshade Itzala
23 Sunstroke Eguzki kolpea
24 Is it dangerous to swim here? Lanjerosa da hemen igeri egitea?
25 Is it dangerous to swim here? Arriskutsua da hemen igeri egitea?
26 No, it is not dangerous Ez, ez da lanjerosa
27 No, it is not dangerous Ez, ez da arriskutsua
28 Yes, it is forbidden to swim here Bai, debekatua da hemen igeri egitea.
29 Yes, it is forbidden to swim here Bai, debekatuta dago hemen igeri egitea
30 Swim Igeri egin
31 Swimming Igeriketa
32 Wave Uhina
33 Sea Itsasoa
34 Dune Duna
35 Sand Hondarra
36 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Zer eguraldi eginen du bihar?
37 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? Zein da biharko eguraldiaren iragarpena?
38 The weather is going to change Eguraldia aldatuko da
39 It is going to rain Euria dakar
40 It is going to rain Euria eginen du
41 It will be sunny Eguzkia izanen da
42 It will be sunny Eguzkia egongo da
43 It will be very windy Haize handia ibiliko da
44 Swimming suit Bainujantzi

17 - In case of trouble

English Basque
1 Can you help me, please? Laguntzen ahal nauzu, otoi?
2 Can you help me, please? Lagundu nazakezu, otoi?
3 I'm lost Galdua naiz
4 I'm lost Galduta nago
5 What would you like? Zer nahi zenuke?
6 What happened? Zer gertatu da?
7 Where could I find an interpreter? Non aurkitzen ahal dut itzultzaile bat?
8 Where could I find an interpreter? Non aurki dezaket itzultzaile bat?
9 Where is the nearest chemist's shop? Non da farmaziarik hurbilena?
10 Where is the nearest chemist's shop? Non dago farmaziarik hurbilena?
11 Can you call a doctor, please Mediku bat deitzen ahal duzu, otoi?
12 Can you call a doctor, please Mediku bat dei dezakezu, otoi?
13 Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment? Zer tratamendu hartzen duzu momentu honetan?
14 a hospital Ospitale bat
15 a chemist's Farmazia bat
16 a doctor Mediku bat
17 Medical department Mediku zerbitzua
18 I lost my papers Paperak galdu ditut
19 My papers have been stolen Paperak lapurtu dizkidate
20 Lost-property office Objektu galduen bulegoa
21 First-aid station Sokorri postua
22 Emergency exit Larrialdietako irteera
23 The police Polizia
24 Papers Paperak
25 Money Dirua
26 Passport Pasaportea
27 Luggage Puskak
28 Luggage Bagajea
29 I'm ok, thanks Ongi da, ez milesker
30 I'm ok, thanks Ontsa da, ez milesker
31 Leave me alone! Utz nazazu bakean!
32 Go away! Zoaz!