English | Catalan | |
1 | Hello | Bon dia |
2 | Hi! | Hola |
3 | Good evening | Bona nit |
4 | Goodbye | Adéu |
5 | Goodbye | Adéu-siau |
6 | See you later | Fins més tard |
7 | Yes | Sí |
8 | No | No |
9 | Please! | Si us plau! |
10 | Thanks | Gràcies |
11 | Thanks a lot | Moltes gràcies |
12 | Thank you for your help | Gràcies per la seva ajuda |
13 | Don't mention it | De res |
14 | Ok | D'acord |
15 | How much is it? | Quin preu té, si us plau? |
16 | How much is it? | Què val si us plau ? / Quan costa si us plau? |
17 | Sorry! | Disculpi |
18 | I don't understand | No ho entenc |
19 | I get it | Entesos |
20 | I don't know | No ho sé |
21 | Forbidden | Prohibit |
22 | Excuse me, where are the toilets? | On són els lavabos, si us plau? |
23 | Happy New Year! | Bon any! |
24 | Happy birthday! | Per molts anys! |
25 | Happy holiday! | Bones festes! |
26 | Congratulations! | Felicitacions! |
English | Catalan | |
1 | Hello. How are you? | Hola. Com estàs? |
2 | Hello. I'm fine, thank you | Hola. Bé gràcies |
3 | Only a little bit | Només una mica |
4 | Where do you come from? | De quin país vens? |
5 | What is your nationality? | Quina nacionalitat tens? |
6 | I am English | Sóc anglès |
7 | And you, do you live here? | I tu, vius aquí? |
8 | Yes, I live here | Sí, visc aquí |
9 | My name is Sarah, what's your name? | Em dic Sarah, i tu? |
10 | Julian | Julià |
11 | What are you doing here? | Què hi fas aquí? |
12 | I am on holiday | Estic de vacances |
13 | We are on holiday | Estem de vacances |
14 | I am on a business trip | Estic de viatge per feina |
15 | I work here | Treballo aquí |
16 | We work here | Treballem aquí |
17 | Where are the good places to go out and eat? | Quins són els millors llocs per menjar? |
18 | Is there a museum in the neighbourhood? | Hi ha un museu a prop d'aquí? |
19 | Where could I get an internet connection? | A on podria connectar-me a internet? |
English | Catalan | |
1 | I get it | Entesos |
2 | Do you want to learn a few words? | Vols aprendre una mica de vocabulari? |
3 | Yes, sure! | D'acord! |
4 | What's this called? | Com es diu? |
5 | It's a table | És una taula |
6 | A table. Do you understand? | Una taula, ho entens? |
7 | Can you repeat please? | Pots repetir si us plau? |
8 | Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ? | Pots parlar més a poc a poc? |
9 | Could you write it down, please? | Podries escriure-ho, si us plau? |
English | Catalan | |
1 | I like the colour of this table | M'agrada el color d'aquesta taula |
2 | It's red | És vermell |
3 | Blue | Blau |
4 | Yellow | Groc |
5 | White | Blanc |
6 | Black | Negre |
7 | Green | Verd |
8 | Orange | Taronja |
9 | Purple | Lila |
10 | Grey | Gris |
English | Catalan | |
1 | Zero | Zero |
2 | One | U |
3 | One | Un / Una |
4 | Two | Dos |
5 | Three | Tres |
6 | Four | Quatre |
7 | Five | Cinc |
8 | Six | Sis |
9 | Seven | Set |
10 | Eight | Vuit |
11 | Nine | Nou |
12 | Ten | Deu |
13 | Eleven | Onze |
14 | Twelve | Dotze |
15 | Thirteen | Tretze |
16 | Fourteen | Catorze |
17 | Fifteen | Quinze |
18 | Sixteen | Setze |
19 | Seventeen | Disset |
20 | Eighteen | Divuit |
21 | Nineteen | Dinou |
22 | Twenty | Vint |
23 | Twenty-one | Vint-i-u / Vint-i-un |
24 | Twenty-two | Vint-i-dos |
25 | Twenty-three | Vint-i-tres |
26 | Twenty-four | Vint-i-quatre |
27 | Twenty-five | Vint-i-cinc |
28 | Twenty-six | Vint-i-sis |
29 | Twenty-seven | Vint-i-set |
30 | Twenty-eight | Vint-i-vuit |
31 | Twenty-nine | Vint-i-nou |
32 | Thirty | Trenta |
33 | Thirty-one | Trenta-u |
34 | Thirty-two | Trenta-dos |
35 | Thirty-three | Trenta-tres |
36 | Thirty-four | Trenta-quatre |
37 | Thirty-five | Trenta-cinc |
38 | Thirty-six | Trenta-sis |
39 | Forty | Quaranta |
40 | Fifty | Cinquanta |
41 | Sixty | Seixanta |
42 | Seventy | Setanta |
43 | Eighty | Vuitanta |
44 | Ninety | Noranta |
45 | One hundred | Cent |
46 | A hundred and five | Cent cinc |
47 | Two hundred | Dos-cents |
48 | Three hundred | Tres-cents |
49 | Four hundred | Quatre-cents |
50 | A thousand | Mil |
51 | A thousand five hundred | Mil cinc-cents |
52 | Two thousand | Dos mil |
53 | Ten thousand | Deu mil |
English | Catalan | |
1 | When did you get here? | Quan has arribat aqui? |
2 | Today | Avui |
3 | Yesterday | Ahir |
4 | Two days ago | Fa dos dies |
5 | How long are you staying for? | Quan de temps et quedes? |
6 | I'm leaving tomorrow | M'en vaig demà |
7 | I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow | M'en vaig demà-passat |
8 | I'll be leaving in three days | Me'n vaig d'aqui tres dies |
9 | Monday | Dilluns |
10 | Tuesday | Dimarts |
11 | Wednesday | Dimecres |
12 | Thursday | Dijous |
13 | Friday | Divendres |
14 | Saturday | Dissabte |
15 | Sunday | Diumenge |
16 | January | Gener |
17 | February | Febrer |
18 | March | Març |
19 | April | Abril |
20 | May | Maig |
21 | June | Juny |
22 | July | Juliol |
23 | August | Agost |
24 | September | Setembre |
25 | October | Octubre |
26 | November | Novembre |
27 | December | Desembre |
28 | What time are you leaving at? | A quina hora marxes? |
29 | Morning, at eight o'clock | Al matí, a les vuit |
30 | Morning, at a quarter past 8 | Al matí, a un quart de nou |
31 | Morning, at half past 8 | Al matí, a dos quarts de nou |
32 | Morning, at a quarter to nine | Al matí, a tres quarts de nou |
33 | Evening, at 6pm | A la tarda, a les sis |
34 | I am late | Vaig tard |
English | Catalan | |
1 | Taxi! | Taxi! |
2 | Where would you like to go? | On vol anar? |
3 | I'm going to the train station | Vaig a l'estació |
4 | I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel | Vaig a l'hotel Dia i Nit |
5 | Can you take me to the airport, please? | Podria portar-me a l'aeroport? |
6 | Can you take my luggage? | Pot agafar les meves maletes? |
7 | Is it far from here? | És molt lluny d'aquí? |
8 | No it's close | No, és al costat |
9 | Yes it's a little bit further away | Sí, és una mica més lluny |
10 | How much will it be? | Quant costarà? |
11 | Take me there, please | Porti'm aquí, si us plau |
12 | You go right | És a la dreta |
13 | You go left | És a l'esquerra |
14 | It's straight on | És tot recte |
15 | It's right here | És aquí |
16 | It's that way | És per allà |
17 | Stop! | Para! |
18 | Stop! | Pari! |
19 | Take your time | Prengui el temps que li calgui |
20 | Can I have a receipt, please? | Em pot fer un rebut, si us plau? |
English | Catalan | |
1 | Do you have family here? | Tens familía aquí? |
2 | My father | El meu pare |
3 | My father | Mon pare |
4 | My mother | La meva mare |
5 | My mother | Ma mare |
6 | My son | El meu fill |
7 | My daughter | La meva filla |
8 | A brother | Un germà |
9 | a sister | Una germana |
10 | a friend | Un amic |
11 | a friend | Una amiga |
12 | My boyfriend | El meu novio |
13 | My girlfriend | La meva xicota |
14 | My husband | El meu home |
15 | My wife | La meva dona |
English | Catalan | |
1 | I really like your country | M'agrada molt el teu país |
2 | I love you | T'estimo |
3 | I am happy | Sóc feliç |
4 | I am sad | Sóc trist |
5 | I am sad | Estic trista |
6 | I feel great here | Em sento molt bé aquí |
7 | I am cold | Tinc fred |
8 | I am hot | Tinc calor |
9 | It's too big | És massa gran |
10 | It's too small | És massa petit |
11 | It's perfect | És perfecte |
12 | Do you want to go out tonight? | Vols sortir aquest vespre? |
13 | I would like to go out tonight | M'agradaria sortir aquest vespre |
14 | It is a good idea | És una bona idea |
15 | I want to have fun | Tinc ganes de passar-m'ho bé |
16 | It is not a good idea | No és una bona idea |
17 | I don't want to go out tonight | No tinc ganes de sortir aquest vespre |
18 | I want to rest | Tinc ganes de descansar |
19 | Would you like to do some sport? | Vols fer esport? |
20 | Yes, I need to relax | Sí, haig de gastar energia! |
21 | I play tennis | Jugo a tenis |
22 | No thanks. I am tired already | No gràcies, sóc prou cansat |
English | Catalan | |
1 | The bar | El bar |
2 | Would you like to have a drink? | Vols beure alguna cosa |
3 | To drink | Beure |
4 | Glass | Got |
5 | Glass | Copa |
6 | With pleasure | Amb molt de gust |
7 | What would you like? | Què vols beure? |
8 | What's on offer? | Què hi ha per beure? |
9 | There is water or fruit juices | Hi ha aigua o sucs de fruita |
10 | Water | Aigua |
11 | Can you add some ice cubes, please? | Pots afegir-hi glaçons, si us plau? |
12 | Ice cubes | Glaçons |
13 | Chocolate | Xocolata |
14 | Milk | Llet |
15 | Tea | Te |
16 | Coffee | Cafè |
17 | With sugar | Amb sucre |
18 | With cream | Amb crema |
19 | Wine | Vi |
20 | Beer | Cervesa |
21 | A tea please | Un te, si us plau |
22 | A beer please | Una cervesa, si us plau |
23 | What would you like to drink? | Què vol beure? |
24 | What would you like to drink? | Què volen beure? |
25 | Two teas please! | Dos tes, si us plau! |
26 | Two beers please! | Dues cerveses si us plau |
27 | Nothing, thanks | Res, gràcies |
28 | Cheers! | A la teva salut |
29 | Cheers! | Salut! |
30 | Can we have the bill please? | El compte, si us plau |
31 | Excuse me, how much do I owe? | Què li dec, si us plau? |
32 | Excuse me, how much do I owe? | Quant és, si us plau? |
33 | Twenty euros | Vint euros |
34 | It's on me | Et convido |
English | Catalan | |
1 | The restaurant | El restaurant |
2 | Would you like to eat? | Vols menjar alguna cosa? |
3 | Yes, with pleasure | Sí, vull menjar alguna cosa |
4 | To eat | Menjar |
5 | Where can we eat? | A on podem menjar? |
6 | Where can we have lunch? | A on podem dinar? |
7 | Dinner | El sopar |
8 | Breakfast | L'esmorzar |
9 | Excuse me! | Si us plau! |
10 | The menu, please | La carta, si us plau! |
11 | Here is the menu | Aquí té la carta! |
12 | What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish? | Què prefereixes menjar? Carn o peix? |
13 | With rice | Amb arròs |
14 | With pasta | Amb pasta |
15 | Potatoes | Patates |
16 | Vegetables | Verdures |
17 | Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg | Ous remenats - ous ferrats - ous passats per aigua |
18 | Bread | Pa |
19 | Butter | Mantega |
20 | Salad | Una amanida |
21 | Dessert | Les postres |
22 | Fruit | Fruita |
23 | Can I have a knife, please? | Té un ganivet si us plau? |
24 | Yes, I'll bring it to you right away | Si, ara l'hi porto |
25 | a knife | Un ganivet |
26 | a fork | Una forquilla |
27 | a spoon | Una cullera |
28 | Is it a warm dish? | És un plat calent? |
29 | Yes, very hot also! | Si, i també molt picant! |
30 | Warm | Calent |
31 | Cold | Fred |
32 | Hot | Picant |
33 | I'll have fish | Agafaré peix |
34 | Me too | Jo també |
English | Catalan | |
1 | It's late, I have to go! | És tard! Me n'haig d'anar! |
2 | Shall we meet again? | Ens podrem tornar a veure? |
3 | Yes with pleasure | Sí, amb molt de gust |
4 | This is my address | Aquesta és la meva adreça |
5 | Do you have a phone number? | Tens un número de telèfon? |
6 | Do you have a phone number? | Tens un telèfon? |
7 | Yes here you go | Sí, aquí el tens |
8 | I had a lovely time | He passat una bona estona amb tu |
9 | Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you | Jo també. M'ha agradat conèixer-te |
10 | We will see each other soon | Ens tornarem a veure aviat |
11 | I hope so too | Ho espero també |
12 | Goodbye | Fins aviat! |
13 | See you tomorrow | Fins demà |
14 | Bye! | Adéu! |
English | Catalan | |
1 | Thanks | Gràcies |
2 | Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop | Si us plau, busco la parada de l'autobús |
3 | How much is a ticket to Sun City? | Quant costa el bitllet per anar a la ciutat del Sol, si us plau? |
4 | Where does this train go, please? | On va aquest tren si us plau? |
5 | Does this train stop at Sun City? | Aquest tren té parada a la ciutat del Sol? |
6 | When does the train for Sun City leave? | Quan surt el tren a la ciutat del Sol? |
7 | When will this train arrive in Sun City? | Quan arriba el tren a la ciutat del Sol? |
8 | A ticket for Sun City, please | Un bitllet a la ciutat del Sol, si us plau |
9 | Do you have the train's time table? | Té els horaris de tren? |
10 | Bus schedule | L'horari dels autobusos |
11 | Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City? | Quin és el tren que va a la ciutat del Sol, si us plau? |
12 | This one | És aquest |
13 | Don't mention it, have a good trip! | De res. Bon viatge! |
14 | The garage | El taller del mecànic |
15 | The petrol station | La benzineria |
16 | A full tank, please | Ompli'm el dipòsit, si us plau. |
17 | Bike | Bicicleta |
18 | Town centre | El centre de la ciutat |
19 | Suburb | Les rodalia |
20 | It is a city | És una ciutat gran |
21 | It is a village | És un poble |
22 | A mountain | Una muntanya |
23 | a lake | Un llac |
24 | The countryside | El camp |
English | Catalan | |
1 | The hotel | L'hotel |
2 | Apartment | L'apartament |
3 | Welcome! | Benvingut – Benvinguts |
4 | Welcome! | Benvinguda – Benvingudes |
5 | Do you have a room available? | Té una cambra disponible? |
6 | Is there a bathroom in the room? | Hi ha un bany a la cambra? |
7 | Would you prefer two single beds? | Prefereixen dos llits individuals? |
8 | Do you wish to have a twin room? | Volen una cambra doble? |
9 | A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower | Cambra amb bany - amb balcó - amb dutxa |
10 | Bed and breakfast | Cambra amb esmorzar inclòs |
11 | How much is it for a night? | Quin és el preu per a una nit? |
12 | I would like to see the room first | Primer voldria veure la cambra, si us plau! |
13 | Yes, of course | Sí, és clar! |
14 | Thank you, the room is very nice | Gràcies. La cambra està molt bé. |
15 | OK, can I reserve for tonight? | Està bé, puc reservar per aquesta nit? |
16 | It's a bit too much for me, thank you | És una mica car per a mi, gràcies |
17 | Could you take care of my luggage, please? | Pot ocupar-se de les meves maletes, si us plau? |
18 | Where is my room, please? | On està la meva cambra, si us plau? |
19 | It is on the first floor | És al primer pis |
20 | Is there a lift? | Hi ha un ascensor? |
21 | The elevator is on your left | L'ascensor és a l'esquerra |
22 | The elevator is on your right | L'ascensor és a la dreta |
23 | Where is the laundry room, please? | On és la bugaderia? |
24 | It is on the ground floor | És a la planta baixa |
25 | Ground floor | Planta baixa |
26 | Bedroom | Habitació |
27 | Dry cleaner's | Tintoreria |
28 | Hair salon | Perruqueria |
29 | Car parking space | Parking |
30 | Let's meet in the meeting room? | Ens trobem a la sala de reunions? |
31 | Meeting room | La sala de reunions |
32 | The swimming pool is heated | La piscina és calenta |
33 | Swimming pool | La piscina |
34 | Please, wake me up at seven a.m. | Desperti'm a les set, si us plau |
35 | The key, please | La clau, si us plau |
36 | The pass, please | El passe, si us plau |
37 | Are there any messages for me? | Hi ha algun missatge per a mi? |
38 | Yes, here you are | Sí, aquí els té |
39 | No, we didn't receive anything for you | No, no ha rebut res |
40 | Where can I get some change? | On puc aconseguir canvi de moneda? |
41 | Please can you give me some change? | Pot donar-me canvi si us plau? |
42 | We can make some for you, how much would you like? | Sí, podem donar-li canvi. Quant vol canviar? |
English | Catalan | |
1 | Excuse me, is Sarah here? | Hi ha la Sarah,si us plau? |
2 | Yes, she's here | Sí, és aquí |
3 | She's out | Ha sortit |
4 | You can call her on her mobile phone | Pot trucar-li al mòbil |
5 | Do you know where I could find her? | Sap on podria trobar-la? |
6 | She is at work | És a la feina |
7 | She is at home | És a casa seva |
8 | Excuse me, is Julien here? | Hi ha en Julià, si us plau? |
9 | Yes, he's here | Sí, és aquí |
10 | He's out | Ha sortit |
11 | Do you know where I could find him? | Sap on podria trobar-lo? |
12 | You can call him on his mobile phone | Pot trucar-li al mòbil |
13 | He is at work | És a la feina |
14 | He is at home | És a casa seva |
English | Catalan | |
1 | The beach | La platja |
2 | Do you know where I can buy a ball? | Sap on puc comprar una pilota? |
3 | There is a store in this direction | Hi ha una botiga en aquesta direcció |
4 | a ball | Una pilota |
5 | Binoculars | Binocles / Prismàtics |
6 | a cap | Una gorra |
7 | a towel | Tovallola |
8 | Sandals | Sandàlies |
9 | a bucket | Galleda |
10 | Suntan lotion | Crema solar |
11 | Swimming trunks | Banyador |
12 | Sunglasses | Ulleres de sol |
13 | Shellfish | Fruits de mar |
14 | Sunbathing | Prendre el sol |
15 | Sunny | Assolellat |
16 | Sunset | Posta de sol |
17 | Parasol | Para-sol |
18 | Sun | Sol |
19 | Sunshade | Ombra |
20 | Sunstroke | Insolació |
21 | Is it dangerous to swim here? | És perillós banyar-se aquí? |
22 | No, it is not dangerous | No, no és perillós |
23 | Yes, it is forbidden to swim here | Sí, és prohibit de banyar-se aquí |
24 | Swim | Nedar |
25 | Swimming | Natació |
26 | Wave | Ona |
27 | Wave | Onada |
28 | Sea | Mar |
29 | Dune | Duna |
30 | Sand | Sorra |
31 | What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? | Quin temps farà demà? |
32 | The weather is going to change | El temps canviarà |
33 | It is going to rain | Plourà |
34 | It will be sunny | Farà sol |
35 | It will be very windy | Hi haurà molt de vent |
36 | Swimming suit | Vestit de bany |
English | Catalan | |
1 | Can you help me, please? | Pot ajudar-me, si us plau? |
2 | I'm lost | M'he perdut |
3 | What would you like? | Què desitja? |
4 | What would you like? | Què vol? |
5 | What happened? | Què ha passat? |
6 | Where could I find an interpreter? | A on puc trobar un intèrpret? |
7 | Where is the nearest chemist's shop? | On és la la farmàcia més a prop? |
8 | Can you call a doctor, please | Pot trucar un metge, si us plau? |
9 | Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment? | Preneu cap medicamenten aquest moment? |
10 | a hospital | Un hospital |
11 | a chemist's | Una farmàcia |
12 | a doctor | Un metge |
13 | a doctor | Una metgessa |
14 | Medical department | Servei mèdic |
15 | I lost my papers | He perdut la documentació |
16 | My papers have been stolen | M'han robat la documentació |
17 | Lost-property office | Oficina d'objectes perduts |
18 | First-aid station | Lloc de socors |
19 | Emergency exit | Sortida d'emergència |
20 | The police | La Policia |
21 | Papers | Documentació |
22 | Money | Diners |
23 | Passport | Passaport |
24 | Luggage | Maletes |
25 | I'm ok, thanks | Ja esta bé, gràcies |
26 | Leave me alone! | Deixi'm en pau! |
27 | Go away! | Aneu-vos-en! |