
1 - Osnovni izrazi

Srpski Engleski
1 Dobar dan Hello
2 Dobro veče Good evening
3 Doviđenja Goodbye
4 Vidimo se See you later
5 Da Yes
6 Ne No
7 Molim vas Please!
8 Hvala Thanks
9 Hvala puno! Thanks a lot
10 Hvala na pomoći Thank you for your help
11 Nema na čemu Don't mention it
12 U redu Ok
13 Koliko košta? How much is it?
14 Izvinite Sorry!
15 Ne razumem I don't understand
16 Razumeo sam I get it
17 Ne znam I don't know
18 Zabranjeno Forbidden
19 Molim Vas, gde je toalet ? Excuse me, where are the toilets?
20 Srećna Nova godina Happy New Year!
21 Srećan rođendan Happy birthday!
22 Srećni praznici! Happy holiday!
23 Čestitam! Congratulations!

2 - Razgovor

Srpski Engleski
1 Dobar dan. Kako si? Hello. How are you?
2 Dobar dan. Hvala, dobro sam. Hello. I'm fine, thank you
3 Govoriš li engleski? Do you speak English?
4 Ne, ne govorim engleski No, I don't speak English
5 Samo malo Only a little bit
6 Odakle dolaziš? Where do you come from?
7 Koje si nacionalnosti? What is your nationality?
8 Ja sam Srbin I am Serb
9 Ti živiš ovde? And you, do you live here?
10 Da, ja živim ovde Yes, I live here
11 Zovem se Sara, a ti? My name is Sarah, what's your name?
12 Julien Julian
13 Šta radiš tu? What are you doing here?
14 Na odmoru sam I am on holiday
15 Na odmoru smo We are on holiday
16 Na poslovnom sam putovanju I am on a business trip
17 Radim ovde I work here
18 Radimo ovde We work here
19 Gde se može nešto dobro pojesti? Where are the good places to go out and eat?
20 Ima li muzeja u blizini? Is there a museum in the neighbourhood?
21 Gde se mogu uključiti na Internet? Where could I get an internet connection?

3 - Učenje

Srpski Engleski
1 Razumeo sam I get it
2 Da li želiš da naučiš nekoliko reči? Do you want to learn a few words?
3 Da, naravno! Yes, sure!
4 Šta je to? What's this called?
5 To je sto It's a table
6 Sto. Razumeš? A table. Do you understand?
7 Možeš li, molim te, ponoviti? Can you repeat please?
8 Možeš li, molim te, govoriti sporije? Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ?
9 Možeš li to napisati, molim te? Could you write it down, please?

4 - Boje

Srpski Engleski
1 Sviđa mi se boja stola I like the colour of this table
2 To je crveno It's red
3 Plavo Blue
4 Žuto Yellow
5 Belo White
6 Crno Black
7 Zeleno Green
8 Narandžasto Orange
9 Ljubičasto Purple
10 Sivo Grey

5 - Brojevi

Srpski Engleski
1 Nula Zero
2 Jedan One
3 Dva Two
4 Tri Three
5 Četiri Four
6 Pet Five
7 Šest Six
8 Sedam Seven
9 Osam Eight
10 Devet Nine
11 Deset Ten
12 Jedanaest Eleven
13 Dvanaest Twelve
14 Trinaest Thirteen
15 Četrnaest Fourteen
16 Petnaest Fifteen
17 Šesnaest Sixteen
18 Sedamnaest Seventeen
19 Osamnaest Eighteen
20 Devetnaest Nineteen
21 Dvadeset Twenty
22 Dvadeset jedan Twenty-one
23 Dvadeset dva Twenty-two
24 Dvadeset tri Twenty-three
25 Dvadeset četiri Twenty-four
26 Dvadeset pet Twenty-five
27 Dvadeset šest Twenty-six
28 Dvadeset sedam Twenty-seven
29 Dvadeset osam Twenty-eight
30 Dvadeset devet Twenty-nine
31 Trideset Thirty
32 Trideset jedan Thirty-one
33 Trideset dva Thirty-two
34 Trideset tri Thirty-three
35 Trideset četiri Thirty-four
36 Trideset pet Thirty-five
37 Trideset šest Thirty-six
38 Četrdeset Forty
39 Pedeset Fifty
40 Šezdeset Sixty
41 Sedamdeset Seventy
42 Osamdeset Eighty
43 Devedeset Ninety
44 Sto One hundred
45 Sto pet A hundred and five
46 Dvesta Two hundred
47 Trista Three hundred
48 Četiristo Four hundred
49 Hiljada A thousand
50 Hiljadu petsto A thousand five hundred
51 Dve hiljade Two thousand
52 Deset hiljada Ten thousand

6 - Vremenske oznake

Srpski Engleski
1 Kad si stigao? When did you get here?
2 Danas Today
3 Juče Yesterday
4 Pre dva dana Two days ago
5 Koliko ostaješ? How long are you staying for?
6 Odlazim sutra I'm leaving tomorrow
7 Odlazim prekosutra I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow
8 Odlazim za tri dana I'll be leaving in three days
9 Ponedeljak Monday
10 Utorak Tuesday
11 Sreda Wednesday
12 Četvrtak Thursday
13 Petak Friday
14 Subota Saturday
15 Nedelja Sunday
16 Januar January
17 Februar February
18 Mart March
19 April April
20 Maj May
21 Juni June
22 Juli July
23 Avgust August
24 Septembar September
25 Oktobar October
26 Novembar November
27 Decembar December
28 U koliko sati odlaziš? What time are you leaving at?
29 Ujutru, u osam sati Morning, at eight o'clock
30 Ujutru, u osam i petnaest Morning, at a quarter past 8
31 Ujutru, u pola devet Morning, at half past 8
32 Ujutru, u osam i četrdeset pet Morning, at a quarter to nine
33 Uveče, u šest sati Evening, at 6pm
34 Kasnim I am late

7 - Taksi

Srpski Engleski
1 Taksi! Taxi!
2 Kuda ćete? Where would you like to go?
3 Idem na stanicu I'm going to the train station
4 Idem u hotel Dan i Noć I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel
5 Možete li me odvesti na aerodrom? Can you take me to the airport, please?
6 Možete li uzeti moj prtljag? Can you take my luggage?
7 Je li daleko odavde? Is it far from here?
8 Ne, blizu je No it's close
9 Da, to je malo dalje Yes it's a little bit further away
10 Koliko će koštati? How much will it be?
11 Odvedite me tu Take me there, please
12 Na desno You go right
13 Na levo You go left
14 Samo pravo It's straight on
15 Tu je It's right here
16 Tamo je It's that way
17 Stop! Stop!
18 Ne morate da žurite Take your time
19 Mogu li dobiti račun, molim Vas? Can I have a receipt, please?

8 - Porodica

Srpski Engleski
1 Imaš li rodbinu ovde? Do you have family here?
2 Imam Oca My father
3 Imam Majku My mother
4 Imam Sina My son
5 Imam Kćerku My daughter
6 Imam Brata A brother
7 Imam Sestru a sister
8 Imam Prijatelja a friend
9 Imam Prijateljicu a friend
10 Imam Dečka My boyfriend
11 Imam Devojku My girlfriend
12 Imam Muža My husband
13 Imam Ženu My wife

9 - Osećanja

Srpski Engleski
1 Stvarno volim tvoju zemlju I really like your country
2 Volim te I love you
3 Srećan sam I am happy
4 Tužan sam I am sad
5 Uživam ovde I feel great here
6 Hladno mi je I am cold
7 Toplo mi je I am hot
8 Preveliko je It's too big
9 Premalo je It's too small
10 Taman je It's perfect
11 Želiš li izaći večeras? Do you want to go out tonight?
12 Hteo bih izaći večeras I would like to go out tonight
13 To je dobra ideja It is a good idea
14 Želim da se zabavljam I want to have fun
15 To nije dobra ideja It is not a good idea
16 Ne želim izaći večeras I don't want to go out tonight
17 Hteo bih da se odmorim I want to rest
18 Želiš li da se baviš sportom Would you like to do some sport?
19 Da, treba da se opustim Yes, I need to relax
20 Igram tenis I play tennis
21 Ne hvala, previše sam umoran No thanks. I am tired already

10 - Bar

Srpski Engleski
1 Bar The bar
2 Želiš li nešto popiti? Would you like to have a drink?
3 Piti To drink
4 Čaša Glass
5 Vrlo rado With pleasure
6 Šta piješ? What would you like?
7 Šta ima od pića? What's on offer?
8 Ima vode ili voćnih sokova There is water or fruit juices
9 Voda Water
10 Molim Vas, možete li dodati kocke leda ? Can you add some ice cubes, please?
11 Kocke leda Ice cubes
12 Čokolade Chocolate
13 Mleka Milk
14 Čaja Tea
15 Kafe Coffee
16 Sa šećerom With sugar
17 Sa šlagom With cream
18 Vina Wine
19 Piva Beer
20 Čaj, molim te A tea please
21 Pivo, molim te A beer please
22 Šta želite piti? What would you like to drink?
23 Dva čaja, molim Vas! Two teas please!
24 Dva piva, molim Vas! Two beers please!
25 Ništa, hvala Nothing, thanks
26 Na zdravlje! Cheers!
27 Na zdravlje! Cheers!
28 Molim Vas, račun! Can we have the bill please?
29 Oprostite, koliko Vam dugujem? Excuse me, how much do I owe?
30 Dvadeset eura Twenty euros
31 Ja častim It's on me

11 - Restoran

Srpski Engleski
1 Restoran The restaurant
2 Želiš li nešto jesti? Would you like to eat?
3 Da, vrlo rado Yes, with pleasure
4 Jesti To eat
5 Gde možemo jesti? Where can we eat?
6 Gde možemo ručati? Where can we have lunch?
7 Večera Dinner
8 Doručak Breakfast
9 Molim Vas! Excuse me!
10 Molim Vas, jelovnik! The menu, please
11 Izvolite jelovnik Here is the menu
12 Šta više voliš? Meso ili ribu? What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish?
13 S pirinčem With rice
14 Sa testeninom With pasta
15 Krompiri Potatoes
16 Povrće Vegetables
17 Kajgana - jaja na oko - ili kuvano jaje Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg
18 Hleb Bread
19 Maslac Butter
20 Salata Salad
21 Desert Dessert
22 Voće Fruit
23 Molim Vas, nož Can I have a knife, please?
24 Da, odmah ću ga doneti Yes, I'll bring it to you right away
25 Nož a knife
26 Viljuška a fork
27 Kašika a spoon
28 Da li je to toplo jelo? Is it a warm dish?
29 Da, i vrlo začinjeno! Yes, very hot also!
30 Toplo Warm
31 Hladno Cold
32 Začinjeno Hot
33 Uzeću ribu I'll have fish
34 I ja Me too

12 - Na rastanku

Srpski Engleski
1 Kasno je! Moram otići! It's late, I have to go!
2 Možemo li se ponovo videti? Shall we meet again?
3 Da, vrlo rado Yes with pleasure
4 Ovo je moja adresa This is my address
5 Imaš li broj telefona? Do you have a phone number?
6 Da, evo Yes here you go
7 Bilo mi je lepo s tobom I had a lovely time
8 I meni je drago što sam te upoznala Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you
9 Videćemo se ponovno uskoro We will see each other soon
10 I ja se nadam I hope so too
11 Doviđenja Goodbye
12 Vidimo se sutra See you tomorrow
13 Zdravo Bye!

13 - Prevoz

Srpski Engleski
1 Hvala Thanks
2 Oprostite, gdje je autobusna stanica? Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop
3 Koliko košta karta za Grad Sunca? How much is a ticket to Sun City? 
4 Molim Vas, kuda ide ovaj voz? Where does this train go, please? 
5 Da li ovaj voz staje u Gradu Sunca? Does this train stop at Sun City? 
6 Kad kreće voz za Grad Sunca? When does the train for Sun City leave? 
7 Kad stiže ovaj voz u Grad Sunca? When will this train arrive in Sun City? 
8 Jednu kartu za Grad Sunca, molim vas? A ticket for Sun City, please
9 Imate li vozni red vozova? Do you have the train's time table?
10 Vozni red autobusa? Bus schedule
11 Oprostite, koji voz ide za Grad Sunca? Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City?
12 Ovaj, ovde This one
13 Nema na čemu. Srećan put! Don't mention it, have a good trip!
14 Automehaničarska radnja The garage
15 Benzinska stanica The petrol station
16 Do vrha, molim A full tank, please
17 Bicikl Bike
18 Centar grada Town centre
19 Predgrađe Suburb
20 To je veliki grad It is a city
21 To je selo It is a village
22 Planina A mountain
23 Jezero a lake
24 Selo The countryside

14 - Hotel

Srpski Engleski
1 Hotel The hotel
2 Apartman Apartment
3 Dobrodošli Welcome!
4 Imate li slobodnu sobu? Do you have a room available?
5 Ima li kupatilo u sobi? Is there a bathroom in the room?
6 Želite li radije dva odvojena kreveta? Would you prefer two single beds?
7 Želite li bračni krevet? Do you wish to have a twin room?
8 Soba s kupatilom - s balkonom - s tušem A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower
9 Soba s doručkom Bed and breakfast
10 Koliko košta jedno noćenje? How much is it for a night?
11 Molim Vas, možete li mi prvo pokazati sobu? I would like to see the room first
12 Da, naravno! Yes, of course
13 Hvala. Soba je vrlo lepa Thank you, the room is very nice
14 U redu je, mogu li rezervisati za večeras? OK, can I reserve for tonight?
15 Hvala, malo je preskupo za mene It's a bit too much for me, thank you
16 Možete li se, Molim Vas, pobrinuti za moj prtljag? Could you take care of my luggage, please?
17 Molim Vas, gde je moja soba? Where is my room, please?
18 Na prvom spratu It is on the first floor
19 Ima li hotel lift? Is there a lift?
20 Lift je na levoj strani? The elevator is on your left
21 Lift je na desnoj strani? The elevator is on your right
22 Gdje je perionica veša? Where is the laundry room, please?
23 U prizemlju It is on the ground floor
24 Prizemlje Ground floor
25 Soba Bedroom
26 Hemijsko čišćenje Dry cleaner's
27 Frizer Hair salon
28 Parkiralište za automobile Car parking space
29 Gde se nalazi sala za sastanke? Let's meet in the meeting room?
30 Sala za sastanke Meeting room
31 Grejani bazen The swimming pool is heated
32 Bazen Swimming pool
33 Molim Vas, probudite me u sedam sati Please, wake me up at seven a.m.
34 Molim Vas ključ The key, please
35 Molim Vas karticu The pass, please
36 Ima li poruka za mene? Are there any messages for me?
37 Da, izvolite Yes, here you are
38 Ne, nema No, we didn't receive anything for you
39 Gde mogu dobiti sitniš? Where can I get some change?
40 Molim Vas, možete li mi zameniti novčanice za sitniš? Please can you give me some change?
41 Da, za koliko Vam treba? We can make some for you, how much would you like?

15 - Tražiti nekoga

Srpski Engleski
1 Molim Vas, je li Sara tu? Excuse me, is Sarah here?
2 Da, ona je tu Yes, she's here
3 Izašla je She's out
4 Možete je nazvati na njen mobilni You can call her on her mobile phone
5 Znate li gde je mogu naći? Do you know where I could find her?
6 Ona je na poslu She is at work
7 Ona je kod kuće She is at home
8 Molim Vas, je li Julien tu? Excuse me, is Julien here?
9 Da, on je tu Yes, he's here
10 Izašao je He's out
11 Znate li gde ga mogu naći Do you know where I could find him?
12 Možete ga nazvati na njegov mobilnitelefon You can call him on his mobile phone
13 On je na poslu He is at work
14 On je kod kuće He is at home

16 - Plaža

Srpski Engleski
1 Plaža The beach
2 Znate li gde mogu kupiti loptu? Do you know where I can buy a ball?
3 Ima jedna prodavnica u ovom pravcu There is a store in this direction
4 Lopta a ball
5 Dvogled Binoculars
6 Kačket a cap
7 Peškir a towel
8 Sandale Sandals
9 Kofa a bucket
10 Krema za sunčanje Suntan lotion
11 Kupaće gaće Swimming trunks
12 Sunčane naočare Sunglasses
13 Rakovi Shellfish
14 Sunčati se Sunbathing
15 Sunčano Sunny
16 Zalazak sunca Sunset
17 Suncobran Parasol
18 Sunce Sun
19 Hladovina Sunshade
20 Sunčanica Sunstroke
21 Da li je opasno tu plivati? Is it dangerous to swim here?
22 Ne, nije opasno No, it is not dangerous
23 Da, tu je zabranjeno plivati Yes, it is forbidden to swim here
24 Plivati Swim
25 Plivanje Swimming
26 Talas Wave
27 More Sea
28 Nasip Dune
29 Pesak Sand
30 Kakva je prognoza za sutra What is the weather forecast for tomorrow?
31 Vreme će se promeniti The weather is going to change
32 Biće kiše It is going to rain
33 Biće sunčano It will be sunny
34 Biće puno vetra It will be very windy
35 Kupaći kostim Swimming suit

17 - U slučaju nevolje

Srpski Engleski
1 Molim Vas, možete li mi pomoći? Can you help me, please?
2 Izgubio sam se I'm lost
3 Šta želite ? What would you like?
4 Šta se dogodilo? What happened?
5 Gde mogu naći prevodioca? Where could I find an interpreter?
6 Gde se nalazi najbliža apoteka? Where is the nearest chemist's shop?
7 Možete li nazvati lekara, molim Vas? Can you call a doctor, please
8 Da li ste trenutno pod terapijom? Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment?
9 Bolnica a hospital
10 Apoteka a chemist's
11 Lekar a doctor
12 Medicinska služba Medical department
13 Izgubio sam isprave I lost my papers
14 Neko mi je ukrao isprave My papers have been stolen
15 Biro za izgubljene stvari Lost-property office
16 Stanica prve pomoći First-aid station
17 Izlaz u slučaju nužde Emergency exit
18 Policija The police
19 Isprave Papers
20 Novac Money
21 Pasoš Passport
22 Prtljag Luggage
23 Ne treba, hvala I'm ok, thanks
24 Pustite me na miru! Leave me alone!
25 Sklonite se! Go away!