Learn Slovak with PDF and audio

Learn Slovak Without Screens – Download our PDF + MP3 Conversation Guide

Whether you dream of exploring the medieval streets of Bratislava, hiking in the High Tatras, or enjoying a traditional Slovak meal in a mountain chalet, mastering Slovak will help you make the most of your journey.

At Loecsen.com, we’ve developed a simple and effective method to complement our online courses: download our conversation guide in PDF, complete with MP3 files, and learn wherever you are—without relying on a screen.

Why choose our Slovak PDF + MP3 course?

Taking a break from screens can be beneficial for boosting your auditory memory. With our guide, you’ll enjoy:

  • Natural learning: Listen to key phrases repeatedly and absorb them effortlessly.
  • Printable PDF sheets: Perfect for reviewing anywhere, even offline.
  • Progressive listening: Each phrase is available in your language first, then in Slovak, making it easy to understand and repeat.
  • Screen-free learning: Ideal for studying while walking through Bratislava’s Old Town, traveling by train to Košice, or hiking in Slovak Paradise National Park.
  • Unlimited access: Download once and use your materials as often as needed.

Everyday Slovak vocabulary to print and listen to without limits

Our guide covers all the key situations you’ll encounter while traveling:

  • Conversation: Break the ice and interact with locals in a Slovak café.
  • Learning: Grasp the basics and ask essential questions in a bookstore in Banská Bystrica.
  • Colors: Useful for shopping at a traditional Slovak craft market.
  • Numbers: Essential for payments and price negotiations in a Bratislava souvenir shop.
  • Time references: Read the time and understand train schedules for traveling around Slovakia.
  • Family: Engage in personal conversations when meeting Slovak friends.
  • Taxi: Give your destination clearly and avoid confusion in Žilina.
  • Bar & Restaurant: Order food and understand menus when dining in a traditional Slovak restaurant.
  • Transportation: Navigate easily in Slovak cities using buses, trams, and trains.
  • Hotel: Book accommodations and communicate your needs in a mountain lodge in the Tatras.
  • Beach: Enjoy your time at a lake resort like Slnečné jazerá.
  • Emergencies: Find help when needed, whether at a pharmacy or a hospital.
  • And much more!

Go further with our interactive online course

Our PDF + MP3 guide is great for self-paced learning, but did you know you can also access our free online Slovak course?

At Loecsen.com, we offer:

  • Step-by-step learning: Memorize key phrases with a structured program.
  • Interactive exercises: Test your knowledge and improve naturally.
  • Fast immersion: Learn through listening and repetition.

Combine the interactive course with the PDF + MP3 guide for fast and effective progress!

Start Learning Today!

With this method, there’s no need for apps or internet! You can download your Slovak guide in PDF, print the sheets, and listen to the audio files as many times as you like.

Ready to learn Slovak and travel with confidence? Download your Slovak vocabulary PDF now and start your immersion today!

36 Notions Indispensablesffff
Fiches à imprimer et audio à télécharger
15.00 €
