Learn Khmer

10% ?
English Khmer
Hello ជំរាបសួរ
Hi! សួស្តី
Good evening ទិវាសួស្តី
Goodbye លាហើយ
Goodbye លាសិនហើយ
See you later ជួប​គ្នា​ពេល​ក្រោយ
See you later ជួបគ្នាលើកក្រោយ
Yes ចាស
Yes បាទ
No ទេ
No អត់ទេ
Please! សូម!
Please! សូមមេត្តា!
Thanks សូមអរគុណ
Thanks អរគុណ
Thanks a lot អរគុណច្រើន
Thanks a lot អរគុណណាស់
Thank you for your help អរគុណ​ដែលបានជួយ
Don't mention it មិនអីទេ
Don't mention it កុំរំលឹកអី
Ok យល់ព្រម
How much is it? តើ​ថ្លៃប៉ុន្មាន?
Sorry! សុំទោស!
Sorry! សុំអភ័យទោស!
I don't understand ខ្ញុំមិនយល់ទេ
I get it ខ្ញុំទទួលបាន។
I get it ខ្ញុំទទួលបានហើយ
I don't know ខ្ញុំមិនដឹងទេ
Forbidden ហាមឃាត់
Excuse me, where are the toilets? សុំទោស តើបង្គន់នៅឯណា?
Happy New Year! សួស្តី​ឆ្នាំ​ថ្មី!
Happy New Year! រីករាយឆ្នាំថ្មី!
Happy birthday! ជូនពរថ្ងៃកំណើត!
Happy birthday! រីករាយថ្ងៃកំណើត!
Happy holiday! រីករាយថ្ងៃឈប់សម្រាក!
Congratulations! អបអរសាទរ!
Congratulations! អបអរសាទរ!
This course aims to provide travelers with the necessary tools to quickly master essential Khmer expressions for everyday situations, such as greeting someone, asking for directions, or ordering a dish in a restaurant. By the end of the course, learners will be able to communicate with simple words on their next trip to Cambodia.
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Saum svakum! (Welcome!)

Welcome to this enhanced conversation guide. We have adopted a practical approach to help you quickly learn the basics of a language. We suggest starting by memorizing practical words and phrases that you can use daily at home and that will be useful on your travels.

Practicing vocabulary out loud, such as numbers, is a great exercise that can be done at any time of the day. This will familiarize you with the sounds of the language. Once your vacation begins in Phnom Penh, Battambang, Siem Reap, Kampong Cham, or elsewhere in this fabulous country, you will be surprised at how familiar and easy to understand it will be.

Why speak Khmer when traveling?

Cambodia is a beautiful country with much to offer. Fourteen million Cambodians speak Khmer today. For a true immersion and to blend into the landscape, there is nothing better than practicing the country's language.

The Khmer paradox

Unfortunately, this word has long been associated with the trauma of the Khmer Rouge. However, Khmer culture today symbolizes magnificence, music, gastronomy, and dance, with the prestigious Royal Ballet of Cambodia.

The Angkor Archaeological Site

How can one talk about Cambodia without mentioning the world-famous temples of Angkor? The site spans over 400 square kilometers. Once endangered, its restoration is a true success. Its temples and canals are integral parts of the Cambodian landscape. It is impossible to visit the country without passing through this historic site.

How to achieve good Khmer pronunciation within a week to a month?

Though it is not simple to read and write due to its different alphabet, Khmer pronunciation is not really complicated. There is no conjugation or articles: fewer words to pronounce.

Phonology, which must be heard to be well understood, is complex to explain. The writing is different, but the translation is made using the Latin alphabet, greatly facilitating pronunciation. Roll the R's to adapt to the language, and emphasize the last syllable.

Practical tips for learning Khmer quickly

  • Daily practice: Dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to learning Khmer. Consistency is key.
  • Listen and repeat: Use audio recordings to listen to the correct pronunciation and repeat out loud.
  • Use mobile apps: Apps like "Learn Khmer" and "Khmer Alphabet" can be very useful.
  • Engage with native speakers: If possible, speak with Cambodians or join online forums.
  • Watch videos in Khmer: YouTube videos of Khmer lessons or local shows can help improve your listening comprehension.
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