Learn Albanian

10% ?
English Albanian
Hello Mirëdita
Good evening Mirëmbrëma
Goodbye Mirupafshim
See you later Shihemi më vonë
Yes Po
No Jo
Please! Ju lutem...!
Thanks Faleminderit!
Thanks a lot Shumë faleminderit!
Thank you for your help Faleminderit për ndihmën tuaj!
Don't mention it Ju lutem!
Don't mention it Asgjë!
Ok Në rregull
Ok Dakord
How much is it? Sa kushton, ju lutem?
How much is it? Sa është çmimi, ju lutem?
Sorry! Më falni!
I don't understand Nuk kuptoj.
I get it Kuptova!
I don't know Nuk e di!
Forbidden Ndalohet!
Excuse me, where are the toilets? Ku është tualeti, ju lutem?
Excuse me, where are the toilets? Ku është banja, të lutem?
Happy New Year! Gëzuar Vitin e Ri!
Happy New Year! Vit të mbarë!
Happy birthday! Gëzuar ditëlindjen!
Happy holiday! Gëzuar festat!
Congratulations! Urime!
Congratulations! Përgëzime!
This course aims to give travelers the tools they need to quickly master essential expressions in Albanian for everyday situations, such as greeting someone, asking for directions, or ordering a dish in a restaurant. By the end of the course, learners will be able to communicate with simple words on their next trip to Albania or Kosovo.
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How to Learn Albanian by Yourself? Start with an Easy and Free Online Course!

We have adopted an objective and efficient approach to learn how to speak a language easily and quickly. We suggest you start by memorizing words, phrases, and practical expressions that you can use in everyday life and that will be useful when traveling.
Getting used to pronouncing words out loud, such as numbers, is an easy exercise you can practice often and at any time throughout the day.
This will help you get accustomed to the sounds of your chosen language, making it more familiar.
Once your holidays have begun, whether in Tirana, by Lake Ohrid, or exploring the Rozafa Castle, you will be surprised at how familiar and easy to understand it will seem.
Furthermore, using a pocket dictionary is always useful, particularly during a trip. It enables you to find the translation of new words and enrich your vocabulary.

Why Speak Albanian While Traveling?

Spoken by about seven million people, Albanian has official language status in Albania and Kosovo, and is also present in Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Serbia, and Montenegro. Its Indo-European descent and pre-Indo-European vocabulary have long intrigued linguists, as its origins may be as much Illyrian as they are Thracian. 
Beyond these academic interests, Albanian is a linguistically rich language with a literary tradition that includes great names such as Bedri Dedja and Ornela Vorpsi, a novelist named among the thirty-five best European writers in the anthology of Best European Fiction published by the Dalkey Archive Press.

Tourist Attractions

Do you feel like taking a break in paradise without having to fight for space with hordes of tourists at the seaside? The idyllic beaches of Albania could be the perfect destination for your next trip!
Located in the south of Europe, this country is bathed by the Adriatic Sea and the Ionian Sea and has a rich history that begins with the Illyrians in the twentieth century BC. It reached its first peak in the third century BC, becoming a maritime power and an important route between the West and the East. The many ruins from this period, the medieval fortresses of both Western and Byzantine inspiration, and the great lakes will inspire you on a relaxing voyage or even on a business trip across the country. 

Make a Success of Your Stay in Albania

Whether you are going to spend a few days with friends on a leisure trip or if you are on a business trip, nothing will be more useful to you than to be able to slip a few words in the language of your interlocutors, who will appreciate your effort and be certainly more willing to help.

How to Succeed in Having Good Pronunciation Within a Week to a Month?

An Almost Phonological Alphabet

Based on the Tosk dialect and using the characters of the Latin alphabet, the language has 36 letters, including seven vowels. The pronunciation is fairly easy, as almost all the letters are read, and always in the same way, with only slight variations in some dialects.
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