Vocabulary in Catalan for beginners and travellers
Why and how to learn Catalan vocabulary with audio?
Catalonia will fill you with all kinds of treasures during your tourist and cultural trips. Feel free to ask to visit new places (M'agradaria go out aquest vespre : "I would like to go out tonight"). The local gastronomy, very gourmet, is also very famous so discover new dishes for all the occasions that will arise (La carta, si us plau! : "the menu please"). Get ready to explore the land of the famous three wise men and celebrate (fests)in their honour with the people !
You should also know that nothing will please a true Catalan, defending his culture with passion, more than to hear you say a few words in his language. And if you already have a little knowledge of French, it will be even easier for you, because these two languages are very close.
Thanks to our sheets, explore all the richness of the region without any problem, in any place and in any situation! To complete them, we provide you with some examples of books, films, series and songs to deepen your work.
Selection of content to immerse yourself in the culture of Catalonia
- Història de Jacob Xalabín, anonymous author
- El Cristià, by Francesc Eiximenis
- Cartes íntimes d’una dama catalana del s. XVI. Epistolari a la seva mare la comtessa de Palamós, by Estefania de Requesens
- Els Amics de les Arts by Monsieur Cousteau
- Benvolgut by Manel
Here is a selection of 400 useful words and expressions to get you started
These words and expressions are classified by theme. By clicking on the buttons Quiz or Courses, you will have free access to the full course in Catalan. By clicking on the button printer, you can print all the expressions of the theme. This content is free of charge.English | Catalan |
🔊 Hello | 🔊 Bon dia |
🔊 Hi! | 🔊 Hola |
🔊 Good evening | 🔊 Bona nit |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Adéu |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Adéu-siau |
🔊 See you later | 🔊 Fins més tard |
🔊 Yes | 🔊 Sí |
🔊 No | 🔊 No |
🔊 Please! | 🔊 Si us plau! |
🔊 Thanks | 🔊 Gràcies |
🔊 Thanks a lot | 🔊 Moltes gràcies |
🔊 Thank you for your help | 🔊 Gràcies per la seva ajuda |
🔊 Don't mention it | 🔊 De res |
🔊 Ok | 🔊 D'acord |
🔊 How much is it? | 🔊 Quin preu té, si us plau? |
🔊 How much is it? | 🔊 Què val si us plau ? / Quan costa si us plau? |
🔊 Sorry! | 🔊 Disculpi |
🔊 I don't understand | 🔊 No ho entenc |
🔊 I get it | 🔊 Entesos |
🔊 I don't know | 🔊 No ho sé |
🔊 Forbidden | 🔊 Prohibit |
🔊 Excuse me, where are the toilets? | 🔊 On són els lavabos, si us plau? |
🔊 Happy New Year! | 🔊 Bon any! |
🔊 Happy birthday! | 🔊 Per molts anys! |
🔊 Happy holiday! | 🔊 Bones festes! |
🔊 Congratulations! | 🔊 Felicitacions! |
English | Catalan |
🔊 Hello. How are you? | 🔊 Hola. Com estàs? |
🔊 Hello. I'm fine, thank you | 🔊 Hola. Bé gràcies |
🔊 Only a little bit | 🔊 Només una mica |
🔊 Where do you come from? | 🔊 De quin país vens? |
🔊 What is your nationality? | 🔊 Quina nacionalitat tens? |
🔊 I am English | 🔊 Sóc anglès |
🔊 And you, do you live here? | 🔊 I tu, vius aquí? |
🔊 Yes, I live here | 🔊 Sí, visc aquí |
🔊 My name is Sarah, what's your name? | 🔊 Em dic Sarah, i tu? |
🔊 Julian | 🔊 Julià |
🔊 What are you doing here? | 🔊 Què hi fas aquí? |
🔊 I am on holiday | 🔊 Estic de vacances |
🔊 We are on holiday | 🔊 Estem de vacances |
🔊 I am on a business trip | 🔊 Estic de viatge per feina |
🔊 I work here | 🔊 Treballo aquí |
🔊 We work here | 🔊 Treballem aquí |
🔊 Where are the good places to go out and eat? | 🔊 Quins són els millors llocs per menjar? |
🔊 Is there a museum in the neighbourhood? | 🔊 Hi ha un museu a prop d'aquí? |
🔊 Where could I get an internet connection? | 🔊 A on podria connectar-me a internet? |
English | Catalan |
🔊 I get it | 🔊 Entesos |
🔊 Do you want to learn a few words? | 🔊 Vols aprendre una mica de vocabulari? |
🔊 Yes, sure! | 🔊 D'acord! |
🔊 What's this called? | 🔊 Com es diu? |
🔊 It's a table | 🔊 És una taula |
🔊 A table. Do you understand? | 🔊 Una taula, ho entens? |
🔊 Can you repeat please? | 🔊 Pots repetir si us plau? |
🔊 Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ? | 🔊 Pots parlar més a poc a poc? |
🔊 Could you write it down, please? | 🔊 Podries escriure-ho, si us plau? |
English | Catalan |
🔊 I like the colour of this table | 🔊 M'agrada el color d'aquesta taula |
🔊 It's red | 🔊 És vermell |
🔊 Blue | 🔊 Blau |
🔊 Yellow | 🔊 Groc |
🔊 White | 🔊 Blanc |
🔊 Black | 🔊 Negre |
🔊 Green | 🔊 Verd |
🔊 Orange | 🔊 Taronja |
🔊 Purple | 🔊 Lila |
🔊 Grey | 🔊 Gris |
English | Catalan |
🔊 Zero | 🔊 Zero |
🔊 One | 🔊 U |
🔊 One | 🔊 Un / Una |
🔊 Two | 🔊 Dos |
🔊 Three | 🔊 Tres |
🔊 Four | 🔊 Quatre |
🔊 Five | 🔊 Cinc |
🔊 Six | 🔊 Sis |
🔊 Seven | 🔊 Set |
🔊 Eight | 🔊 Vuit |
🔊 Nine | 🔊 Nou |
🔊 Ten | 🔊 Deu |
🔊 Eleven | 🔊 Onze |
🔊 Twelve | 🔊 Dotze |
🔊 Thirteen | 🔊 Tretze |
🔊 Fourteen | 🔊 Catorze |
🔊 Fifteen | 🔊 Quinze |
🔊 Sixteen | 🔊 Setze |
🔊 Seventeen | 🔊 Disset |
🔊 Eighteen | 🔊 Divuit |
🔊 Nineteen | 🔊 Dinou |
🔊 Twenty | 🔊 Vint |
🔊 Twenty-one | 🔊 Vint-i-u / Vint-i-un |
🔊 Twenty-two | 🔊 Vint-i-dos |
🔊 Twenty-three | 🔊 Vint-i-tres |
🔊 Twenty-four | 🔊 Vint-i-quatre |
🔊 Twenty-five | 🔊 Vint-i-cinc |
🔊 Twenty-six | 🔊 Vint-i-sis |
🔊 Twenty-seven | 🔊 Vint-i-set |
🔊 Twenty-eight | 🔊 Vint-i-vuit |
🔊 Twenty-nine | 🔊 Vint-i-nou |
🔊 Thirty | 🔊 Trenta |
🔊 Thirty-one | 🔊 Trenta-u |
🔊 Thirty-two | 🔊 Trenta-dos |
🔊 Thirty-three | 🔊 Trenta-tres |
🔊 Thirty-four | 🔊 Trenta-quatre |
🔊 Thirty-five | 🔊 Trenta-cinc |
🔊 Thirty-six | 🔊 Trenta-sis |
🔊 Forty | 🔊 Quaranta |
🔊 Fifty | 🔊 Cinquanta |
🔊 Sixty | 🔊 Seixanta |
🔊 Seventy | 🔊 Setanta |
🔊 Eighty | 🔊 Vuitanta |
🔊 Ninety | 🔊 Noranta |
🔊 One hundred | 🔊 Cent |
🔊 A hundred and five | 🔊 Cent cinc |
🔊 Two hundred | 🔊 Dos-cents |
🔊 Three hundred | 🔊 Tres-cents |
🔊 Four hundred | 🔊 Quatre-cents |
🔊 A thousand | 🔊 Mil |
🔊 A thousand five hundred | 🔊 Mil cinc-cents |
🔊 Two thousand | 🔊 Dos mil |
🔊 Ten thousand | 🔊 Deu mil |
English | Catalan |
🔊 When did you get here? | 🔊 Quan has arribat aqui? |
🔊 Today | 🔊 Avui |
🔊 Yesterday | 🔊 Ahir |
🔊 Two days ago | 🔊 Fa dos dies |
🔊 How long are you staying for? | 🔊 Quan de temps et quedes? |
🔊 I'm leaving tomorrow | 🔊 M'en vaig demà |
🔊 I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow | 🔊 M'en vaig demà-passat |
🔊 I'll be leaving in three days | 🔊 Me'n vaig d'aqui tres dies |
🔊 Monday | 🔊 Dilluns |
🔊 Tuesday | 🔊 Dimarts |
🔊 Wednesday | 🔊 Dimecres |
🔊 Thursday | 🔊 Dijous |
🔊 Friday | 🔊 Divendres |
🔊 Saturday | 🔊 Dissabte |
🔊 Sunday | 🔊 Diumenge |
🔊 January | 🔊 Gener |
🔊 February | 🔊 Febrer |
🔊 March | 🔊 Març |
🔊 April | 🔊 Abril |
🔊 May | 🔊 Maig |
🔊 June | 🔊 Juny |
🔊 July | 🔊 Juliol |
🔊 August | 🔊 Agost |
🔊 September | 🔊 Setembre |
🔊 October | 🔊 Octubre |
🔊 November | 🔊 Novembre |
🔊 December | 🔊 Desembre |
🔊 What time are you leaving at? | 🔊 A quina hora marxes? |
🔊 Morning, at eight o'clock | 🔊 Al matí, a les vuit |
🔊 Morning, at a quarter past 8 | 🔊 Al matí, a un quart de nou |
🔊 Morning, at half past 8 | 🔊 Al matí, a dos quarts de nou |
🔊 Morning, at a quarter to nine | 🔊 Al matí, a tres quarts de nou |
🔊 Evening, at 6pm | 🔊 A la tarda, a les sis |
🔊 I am late | 🔊 Vaig tard |
English | Catalan |
🔊 Taxi! | 🔊 Taxi! |
🔊 Where would you like to go? | 🔊 On vol anar? |
🔊 I'm going to the train station | 🔊 Vaig a l'estació |
🔊 I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel | 🔊 Vaig a l'hotel Dia i Nit |
🔊 Can you take me to the airport, please? | 🔊 Podria portar-me a l'aeroport? |
🔊 Can you take my luggage? | 🔊 Pot agafar les meves maletes? |
🔊 Is it far from here? | 🔊 És molt lluny d'aquí? |
🔊 No it's close | 🔊 No, és al costat |
🔊 Yes it's a little bit further away | 🔊 Sí, és una mica més lluny |
🔊 How much will it be? | 🔊 Quant costarà? |
🔊 Take me there, please | 🔊 Porti'm aquí, si us plau |
🔊 You go right | 🔊 És a la dreta |
🔊 You go left | 🔊 És a l'esquerra |
🔊 It's straight on | 🔊 És tot recte |
🔊 It's right here | 🔊 És aquí |
🔊 It's that way | 🔊 És per allà |
🔊 Stop! | 🔊 Para! |
🔊 Stop! | 🔊 Pari! |
🔊 Take your time | 🔊 Prengui el temps que li calgui |
🔊 Can I have a receipt, please? | 🔊 Em pot fer un rebut, si us plau? |
English | Catalan |
🔊 Do you have family here? | 🔊 Tens familía aquí? |
🔊 My father | 🔊 El meu pare |
🔊 My father | 🔊 Mon pare |
🔊 My mother | 🔊 La meva mare |
🔊 My mother | 🔊 Ma mare |
🔊 My son | 🔊 El meu fill |
🔊 My daughter | 🔊 La meva filla |
🔊 A brother | 🔊 Un germà |
🔊 a sister | 🔊 Una germana |
🔊 a friend | 🔊 Un amic |
🔊 a friend | 🔊 Una amiga |
🔊 My boyfriend | 🔊 El meu novio |
🔊 My girlfriend | 🔊 La meva xicota |
🔊 My husband | 🔊 El meu home |
🔊 My wife | 🔊 La meva dona |
English | Catalan |
🔊 I really like your country | 🔊 M'agrada molt el teu país |
🔊 I love you | 🔊 T'estimo |
🔊 I am happy | 🔊 Sóc feliç |
🔊 I am sad | 🔊 Sóc trist |
🔊 I am sad | 🔊 Estic trista |
🔊 I feel great here | 🔊 Em sento molt bé aquí |
🔊 I am cold | 🔊 Tinc fred |
🔊 I am hot | 🔊 Tinc calor |
🔊 It's too big | 🔊 És massa gran |
🔊 It's too small | 🔊 És massa petit |
🔊 It's perfect | 🔊 És perfecte |
🔊 Do you want to go out tonight? | 🔊 Vols sortir aquest vespre? |
🔊 I would like to go out tonight | 🔊 M'agradaria sortir aquest vespre |
🔊 It is a good idea | 🔊 És una bona idea |
🔊 I want to have fun | 🔊 Tinc ganes de passar-m'ho bé |
🔊 It is not a good idea | 🔊 No és una bona idea |
🔊 I don't want to go out tonight | 🔊 No tinc ganes de sortir aquest vespre |
🔊 I want to rest | 🔊 Tinc ganes de descansar |
🔊 Would you like to do some sport? | 🔊 Vols fer esport? |
🔊 Yes, I need to relax | 🔊 Sí, haig de gastar energia! |
🔊 I play tennis | 🔊 Jugo a tenis |
🔊 No thanks. I am tired already | 🔊 No gràcies, sóc prou cansat |
English | Catalan |
🔊 The bar | 🔊 El bar |
🔊 Would you like to have a drink? | 🔊 Vols beure alguna cosa |
🔊 To drink | 🔊 Beure |
🔊 Glass | 🔊 Got |
🔊 Glass | 🔊 Copa |
🔊 With pleasure | 🔊 Amb molt de gust |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Què vols beure? |
🔊 What's on offer? | 🔊 Què hi ha per beure? |
🔊 There is water or fruit juices | 🔊 Hi ha aigua o sucs de fruita |
🔊 Water | 🔊 Aigua |
🔊 Can you add some ice cubes, please? | 🔊 Pots afegir-hi glaçons, si us plau? |
🔊 Ice cubes | 🔊 Glaçons |
🔊 Chocolate | 🔊 Xocolata |
🔊 Milk | 🔊 Llet |
🔊 Tea | 🔊 Te |
🔊 Coffee | 🔊 Cafè |
🔊 With sugar | 🔊 Amb sucre |
🔊 With cream | 🔊 Amb crema |
🔊 Wine | 🔊 Vi |
🔊 Beer | 🔊 Cervesa |
🔊 A tea please | 🔊 Un te, si us plau |
🔊 A beer please | 🔊 Una cervesa, si us plau |
🔊 What would you like to drink? | 🔊 Què vol beure? |
🔊 What would you like to drink? | 🔊 Què volen beure? |
🔊 Two teas please! | 🔊 Dos tes, si us plau! |
🔊 Two beers please! | 🔊 Dues cerveses si us plau |
🔊 Nothing, thanks | 🔊 Res, gràcies |
🔊 Cheers! | 🔊 A la teva salut |
🔊 Cheers! | 🔊 Salut! |
🔊 Can we have the bill please? | 🔊 El compte, si us plau |
🔊 Excuse me, how much do I owe? | 🔊 Què li dec, si us plau? |
🔊 Excuse me, how much do I owe? | 🔊 Quant és, si us plau? |
🔊 Twenty euros | 🔊 Vint euros |
🔊 It's on me | 🔊 Et convido |
English | Catalan |
🔊 The restaurant | 🔊 El restaurant |
🔊 Would you like to eat? | 🔊 Vols menjar alguna cosa? |
🔊 Yes, with pleasure | 🔊 Sí, vull menjar alguna cosa |
🔊 To eat | 🔊 Menjar |
🔊 Where can we eat? | 🔊 A on podem menjar? |
🔊 Where can we have lunch? | 🔊 A on podem dinar? |
🔊 Dinner | 🔊 El sopar |
🔊 Breakfast | 🔊 L'esmorzar |
🔊 Excuse me! | 🔊 Si us plau! |
🔊 The menu, please | 🔊 La carta, si us plau! |
🔊 Here is the menu | 🔊 Aquí té la carta! |
🔊 What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish? | 🔊 Què prefereixes menjar? Carn o peix? |
🔊 With rice | 🔊 Amb arròs |
🔊 With pasta | 🔊 Amb pasta |
🔊 Potatoes | 🔊 Patates |
🔊 Vegetables | 🔊 Verdures |
🔊 Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg | 🔊 Ous remenats - ous ferrats - ous passats per aigua |
🔊 Bread | 🔊 Pa |
🔊 Butter | 🔊 Mantega |
🔊 Salad | 🔊 Una amanida |
🔊 Dessert | 🔊 Les postres |
🔊 Fruit | 🔊 Fruita |
🔊 Can I have a knife, please? | 🔊 Té un ganivet si us plau? |
🔊 Yes, I'll bring it to you right away | 🔊 Si, ara l'hi porto |
🔊 a knife | 🔊 Un ganivet |
🔊 a fork | 🔊 Una forquilla |
🔊 a spoon | 🔊 Una cullera |
🔊 Is it a warm dish? | 🔊 És un plat calent? |
🔊 Yes, very hot also! | 🔊 Si, i també molt picant! |
🔊 Warm | 🔊 Calent |
🔊 Cold | 🔊 Fred |
🔊 Hot | 🔊 Picant |
🔊 I'll have fish | 🔊 Agafaré peix |
🔊 Me too | 🔊 Jo també |
English | Catalan |
🔊 It's late, I have to go! | 🔊 És tard! Me n'haig d'anar! |
🔊 Shall we meet again? | 🔊 Ens podrem tornar a veure? |
🔊 Yes with pleasure | 🔊 Sí, amb molt de gust |
🔊 This is my address | 🔊 Aquesta és la meva adreça |
🔊 Do you have a phone number? | 🔊 Tens un número de telèfon? |
🔊 Do you have a phone number? | 🔊 Tens un telèfon? |
🔊 Yes here you go | 🔊 Sí, aquí el tens |
🔊 I had a lovely time | 🔊 He passat una bona estona amb tu |
🔊 Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you | 🔊 Jo també. M'ha agradat conèixer-te |
🔊 We will see each other soon | 🔊 Ens tornarem a veure aviat |
🔊 I hope so too | 🔊 Ho espero també |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Fins aviat! |
🔊 See you tomorrow | 🔊 Fins demà |
🔊 Bye! | 🔊 Adéu! |
English | Catalan |
🔊 Thanks | 🔊 Gràcies |
🔊 Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop | 🔊 Si us plau, busco la parada de l'autobús |
🔊 How much is a ticket to Sun City? | 🔊 Quant costa el bitllet per anar a la ciutat del Sol, si us plau? |
🔊 Where does this train go, please? | 🔊 On va aquest tren si us plau? |
🔊 Does this train stop at Sun City? | 🔊 Aquest tren té parada a la ciutat del Sol? |
🔊 When does the train for Sun City leave? | 🔊 Quan surt el tren a la ciutat del Sol? |
🔊 When will this train arrive in Sun City? | 🔊 Quan arriba el tren a la ciutat del Sol? |
🔊 A ticket for Sun City, please | 🔊 Un bitllet a la ciutat del Sol, si us plau |
🔊 Do you have the train's time table? | 🔊 Té els horaris de tren? |
🔊 Bus schedule | 🔊 L'horari dels autobusos |
🔊 Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City? | 🔊 Quin és el tren que va a la ciutat del Sol, si us plau? |
🔊 This one | 🔊 És aquest |
🔊 Don't mention it, have a good trip! | 🔊 De res. Bon viatge! |
🔊 The garage | 🔊 El taller del mecànic |
🔊 The petrol station | 🔊 La benzineria |
🔊 A full tank, please | 🔊 Ompli'm el dipòsit, si us plau. |
🔊 Bike | 🔊 Bicicleta |
🔊 Town centre | 🔊 El centre de la ciutat |
🔊 Suburb | 🔊 Les rodalia |
🔊 It is a city | 🔊 És una ciutat gran |
🔊 It is a village | 🔊 És un poble |
🔊 A mountain | 🔊 Una muntanya |
🔊 a lake | 🔊 Un llac |
🔊 The countryside | 🔊 El camp |
English | Catalan |
🔊 The hotel | 🔊 L'hotel |
🔊 Apartment | 🔊 L'apartament |
🔊 Welcome! | 🔊 Benvingut – Benvinguts |
🔊 Welcome! | 🔊 Benvinguda – Benvingudes |
🔊 Do you have a room available? | 🔊 Té una cambra disponible? |
🔊 Is there a bathroom in the room? | 🔊 Hi ha un bany a la cambra? |
🔊 Would you prefer two single beds? | 🔊 Prefereixen dos llits individuals? |
🔊 Do you wish to have a twin room? | 🔊 Volen una cambra doble? |
🔊 A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower | 🔊 Cambra amb bany - amb balcó - amb dutxa |
🔊 Bed and breakfast | 🔊 Cambra amb esmorzar inclòs |
🔊 How much is it for a night? | 🔊 Quin és el preu per a una nit? |
🔊 I would like to see the room first | 🔊 Primer voldria veure la cambra, si us plau! |
🔊 Yes, of course | 🔊 Sí, és clar! |
🔊 Thank you, the room is very nice | 🔊 Gràcies. La cambra està molt bé. |
🔊 OK, can I reserve for tonight? | 🔊 Està bé, puc reservar per aquesta nit? |
🔊 It's a bit too much for me, thank you | 🔊 És una mica car per a mi, gràcies |
🔊 Could you take care of my luggage, please? | 🔊 Pot ocupar-se de les meves maletes, si us plau? |
🔊 Where is my room, please? | 🔊 On està la meva cambra, si us plau? |
🔊 It is on the first floor | 🔊 És al primer pis |
🔊 Is there a lift? | 🔊 Hi ha un ascensor? |
🔊 The elevator is on your left | 🔊 L'ascensor és a l'esquerra |
🔊 The elevator is on your right | 🔊 L'ascensor és a la dreta |
🔊 Where is the laundry room, please? | 🔊 On és la bugaderia? |
🔊 It is on the ground floor | 🔊 És a la planta baixa |
🔊 Ground floor | 🔊 Planta baixa |
🔊 Bedroom | 🔊 Habitació |
🔊 Dry cleaner's | 🔊 Tintoreria |
🔊 Hair salon | 🔊 Perruqueria |
🔊 Car parking space | 🔊 Parking |
🔊 Let's meet in the meeting room? | 🔊 Ens trobem a la sala de reunions? |
🔊 Meeting room | 🔊 La sala de reunions |
🔊 The swimming pool is heated | 🔊 La piscina és calenta |
🔊 Swimming pool | 🔊 La piscina |
🔊 Please, wake me up at seven a.m. | 🔊 Desperti'm a les set, si us plau |
🔊 The key, please | 🔊 La clau, si us plau |
🔊 The pass, please | 🔊 El passe, si us plau |
🔊 Are there any messages for me? | 🔊 Hi ha algun missatge per a mi? |
🔊 Yes, here you are | 🔊 Sí, aquí els té |
🔊 No, we didn't receive anything for you | 🔊 No, no ha rebut res |
🔊 Where can I get some change? | 🔊 On puc aconseguir canvi de moneda? |
🔊 Please can you give me some change? | 🔊 Pot donar-me canvi si us plau? |
🔊 We can make some for you, how much would you like? | 🔊 Sí, podem donar-li canvi. Quant vol canviar? |
English | Catalan |
🔊 Excuse me, is Sarah here? | 🔊 Hi ha la Sarah,si us plau? |
🔊 Yes, she's here | 🔊 Sí, és aquí |
🔊 She's out | 🔊 Ha sortit |
🔊 You can call her on her mobile phone | 🔊 Pot trucar-li al mòbil |
🔊 Do you know where I could find her? | 🔊 Sap on podria trobar-la? |
🔊 She is at work | 🔊 És a la feina |
🔊 She is at home | 🔊 És a casa seva |
🔊 Excuse me, is Julien here? | 🔊 Hi ha en Julià, si us plau? |
🔊 Yes, he's here | 🔊 Sí, és aquí |
🔊 He's out | 🔊 Ha sortit |
🔊 Do you know where I could find him? | 🔊 Sap on podria trobar-lo? |
🔊 You can call him on his mobile phone | 🔊 Pot trucar-li al mòbil |
🔊 He is at work | 🔊 És a la feina |
🔊 He is at home | 🔊 És a casa seva |
English | Catalan |
🔊 The beach | 🔊 La platja |
🔊 Do you know where I can buy a ball? | 🔊 Sap on puc comprar una pilota? |
🔊 There is a store in this direction | 🔊 Hi ha una botiga en aquesta direcció |
🔊 a ball | 🔊 Una pilota |
🔊 Binoculars | 🔊 Binocles / Prismàtics |
🔊 a cap | 🔊 Una gorra |
🔊 a towel | 🔊 Tovallola |
🔊 Sandals | 🔊 Sandàlies |
🔊 a bucket | 🔊 Galleda |
🔊 Suntan lotion | 🔊 Crema solar |
🔊 Swimming trunks | 🔊 Banyador |
🔊 Sunglasses | 🔊 Ulleres de sol |
🔊 Shellfish | 🔊 Fruits de mar |
🔊 Sunbathing | 🔊 Prendre el sol |
🔊 Sunny | 🔊 Assolellat |
🔊 Sunset | 🔊 Posta de sol |
🔊 Parasol | 🔊 Para-sol |
🔊 Sun | 🔊 Sol |
🔊 Sunshade | 🔊 Ombra |
🔊 Sunstroke | 🔊 Insolació |
🔊 Is it dangerous to swim here? | 🔊 És perillós banyar-se aquí? |
🔊 No, it is not dangerous | 🔊 No, no és perillós |
🔊 Yes, it is forbidden to swim here | 🔊 Sí, és prohibit de banyar-se aquí |
🔊 Swim | 🔊 Nedar |
🔊 Swimming | 🔊 Natació |
🔊 Wave | 🔊 Ona |
🔊 Wave | 🔊 Onada |
🔊 Sea | 🔊 Mar |
🔊 Dune | 🔊 Duna |
🔊 Sand | 🔊 Sorra |
🔊 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? | 🔊 Quin temps farà demà? |
🔊 The weather is going to change | 🔊 El temps canviarà |
🔊 It is going to rain | 🔊 Plourà |
🔊 It will be sunny | 🔊 Farà sol |
🔊 It will be very windy | 🔊 Hi haurà molt de vent |
🔊 Swimming suit | 🔊 Vestit de bany |
English | Catalan |
🔊 Can you help me, please? | 🔊 Pot ajudar-me, si us plau? |
🔊 I'm lost | 🔊 M'he perdut |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Què desitja? |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Què vol? |
🔊 What happened? | 🔊 Què ha passat? |
🔊 Where could I find an interpreter? | 🔊 A on puc trobar un intèrpret? |
🔊 Where is the nearest chemist's shop? | 🔊 On és la la farmàcia més a prop? |
🔊 Can you call a doctor, please | 🔊 Pot trucar un metge, si us plau? |
🔊 Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment? | 🔊 Preneu cap medicamenten aquest moment? |
🔊 a hospital | 🔊 Un hospital |
🔊 a chemist's | 🔊 Una farmàcia |
🔊 a doctor | 🔊 Un metge |
🔊 a doctor | 🔊 Una metgessa |
🔊 Medical department | 🔊 Servei mèdic |
🔊 I lost my papers | 🔊 He perdut la documentació |
🔊 My papers have been stolen | 🔊 M'han robat la documentació |
🔊 Lost-property office | 🔊 Oficina d'objectes perduts |
🔊 First-aid station | 🔊 Lloc de socors |
🔊 Emergency exit | 🔊 Sortida d'emergència |
🔊 The police | 🔊 La Policia |
🔊 Papers | 🔊 Documentació |
🔊 Money | 🔊 Diners |
🔊 Passport | 🔊 Passaport |
🔊 Luggage | 🔊 Maletes |
🔊 I'm ok, thanks | 🔊 Ja esta bé, gràcies |
🔊 Leave me alone! | 🔊 Deixi'm en pau! |
🔊 Go away! | 🔊 Aneu-vos-en! |