Vocabulary in Estonian for beginners and travellers
Video with the most common words in Estonian

Why and how to learn Estonian vocabulary with audio?
Estonia's multiculturalism and sense of innovation make it a place to visit at all costs, even if it is less publicized and a less popular destination at the moment. The Estonian language has more sounds than most Latin languages, and is divided into 8 dialects and 117 sub-dialects: a rich panorama for lovers of language learning!
Stroll through the heart of cities with a Christian history and visit the most beautiful churches in the country. Discover the beauty of the large illuminated cities during your night walks (Kas sa tahad täna õhtul välja minna? : "Do you want to go out tonight?") and take a breath of fresh air by the shores of enchanting lakes (Ma tahan puhata to say that you want to rest, by stopping by a lake for example).
To get you used to the wide variety of sounds, we have selected for you some films, novels, music and series that should help you.
Selection of content to immerse yourself in Estonian culture
- The Czar’s Madman by Jaan Kross
- Treading Air by Jaan Kross
- Truth and Justice / Tõde ja õigus by A.H Tammsaare
- Mandala by Tõnu Õnnepalu
- Kättemaksukontor (Revenge Office)
- Laulupealinn (Capital of Song)
- Su nägu kõlab tuttavalt (Your face sounds familiar)
- Liisi Koikson – I’m the only one
- Winny Puhh – Meiecundimees üks Korsakov läks eile Lätti
- Keeris – Öö ja päev
- Ewert and Two Dragons - Stranger
Here is a selection of 400 useful words and expressions to get you started
These words and expressions are classified by theme. By clicking on the buttons Quiz or Courses, you will have free access to the complete course in Estonian. By clicking on the button printer, you can print all the expressions of the theme. This content is free of charge.English | Estonian |
🔊 Hello | 🔊 Tere päevast! |
🔊 Hello | 🔊 Tere |
🔊 Good evening | 🔊 Tere õhtust! |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Head aega! |
🔊 See you later | 🔊 Kohtumiseni! |
🔊 Yes | 🔊 Ja |
🔊 No | 🔊 Ei |
🔊 Please! | 🔊 Vabandage! |
🔊 Thanks | 🔊 Tänan |
🔊 Thanks a lot | 🔊 Tänan väga |
🔊 Thank you for your help | 🔊 Tänan teid abi eest! |
🔊 Don't mention it | 🔊 Pole tänu väärt! |
🔊 Ok | 🔊 Nõus |
🔊 How much is it? | 🔊 Palju see maksab? |
🔊 Sorry! | 🔊 Vabandust! |
🔊 I don't understand | 🔊 Ma ei saa aru |
🔊 I get it | 🔊 Ma sain aru |
🔊 I don't know | 🔊 Ma ei tea |
🔊 Forbidden | 🔊 Keelatud! |
🔊 Excuse me, where are the toilets? | 🔊 Kus on tualett, palun? |
🔊 Happy New Year! | 🔊 Head uut aastat! |
🔊 Happy birthday! | 🔊 Palju õnne sünnipäevaks! |
🔊 Happy holiday! | 🔊 Häid pühi! |
🔊 Congratulations! | 🔊 Palju õnne! |
🔊 Congratulations! | 🔊 Õnnitlused! |
English | Estonian |
🔊 Hello. How are you? | 🔊 Tere! Kuidas läheb? |
🔊 Hello. I'm fine, thank you | 🔊 Tere! Tänan, hästi |
🔊 Do you speak Estonian? | 🔊 Kas sa räägid eesti keelt? |
🔊 No, I don't speak Estonian | 🔊 Ei, ma ei räägi eesti keelt |
🔊 Only a little bit | 🔊 Ainult natukene |
🔊 Where do you come from? | 🔊 Mis maalt sa pärit oled? |
🔊 What is your nationality? | 🔊 Mis rahvusest sa oled? |
🔊 I am English | 🔊 Ma olen inglane |
🔊 And you, do you live here? | 🔊 Aga sina, kas sa elad siin? |
🔊 Yes, I live here | 🔊 Jah, ma elan siin |
🔊 My name is Sarah, what's your name? | 🔊 Minu nimi on Saara aga sinu? |
🔊 Julian | 🔊 J?ri |
🔊 What are you doing here? | 🔊 Mida sa siin teed? |
🔊 I am on holiday | 🔊 Ma puhkan |
🔊 I am on holiday | 🔊 Olen puhkusel |
🔊 We are on holiday | 🔊 Me puhkame |
🔊 We are on holiday | 🔊 Me oleme puhkusel |
🔊 I am on a business trip | 🔊 Ma olen tööreisil |
🔊 I work here | 🔊 Ma töötan siin |
🔊 We work here | 🔊 Me töötame siin |
🔊 Where are the good places to go out and eat? | 🔊 Kus on siin head söögikohad? |
🔊 Is there a museum in the neighbourhood? | 🔊 Kas siin kuskil lähedal on muuseum? |
🔊 Where could I get an internet connection? | 🔊 Kus ma saaksin internetti? |
English | Estonian |
🔊 I get it | 🔊 Ma sain aru |
🔊 Do you want to learn a few words? | 🔊 Kas sa tahaksid natuke sõnavara õppida? |
🔊 Yes, sure! | 🔊 Nõus |
🔊 What's this called? | 🔊 Kuidas seda kutsutakse? |
🔊 It's a table | 🔊 See on laud |
🔊 A table. Do you understand? | 🔊 Laud. Saad aru? |
🔊 Can you repeat please? | 🔊 Kas sa võiksid korrata? |
🔊 Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ? | 🔊 Kas sa saaksid natuke aeglasemalt rääkida? |
🔊 Could you write it down, please? | 🔊 Kas sa saaksid talle kirjutada? |
English | Estonian |
🔊 I like the colour of this table | 🔊 Mulle meeldib selle laua värv |
🔊 It's red | 🔊 See on punane |
🔊 Blue | 🔊 Sinine |
🔊 Yellow | 🔊 Kollane |
🔊 White | 🔊 Valge |
🔊 Black | 🔊 Must |
🔊 Green | 🔊 roheline |
🔊 Orange | 🔊 Oranž |
🔊 Purple | 🔊 Lilla |
🔊 Grey | 🔊 Hall |
English | Estonian |
🔊 Zero | 🔊 Null |
🔊 One | 🔊 Üks |
🔊 Two | 🔊 Kaks |
🔊 Three | 🔊 Kolm |
🔊 Four | 🔊 Neli |
🔊 Five | 🔊 Viis |
🔊 Six | 🔊 Kuus |
🔊 Seven | 🔊 Seitse |
🔊 Eight | 🔊 Kaheksa |
🔊 Nine | 🔊 Üheksa |
🔊 Ten | 🔊 Kümme |
🔊 Eleven | 🔊 Üksteist |
🔊 Twelve | 🔊 Kaksteist |
🔊 Thirteen | 🔊 Kolmteist |
🔊 Fourteen | 🔊 Neliteist |
🔊 Fifteen | 🔊 Viisteist |
🔊 Sixteen | 🔊 Kuusteist |
🔊 Seventeen | 🔊 Seitseteist |
🔊 Eighteen | 🔊 Kaheksateist |
🔊 Nineteen | 🔊 Üheksateist |
🔊 Twenty | 🔊 Kakskümmend |
🔊 Twenty-one | 🔊 Kakskümmend üks |
🔊 Twenty-two | 🔊 Kakskümmend kaks |
🔊 Twenty-three | 🔊 Kakskümmend kolm |
🔊 Twenty-four | 🔊 Kakskümmend neli |
🔊 Twenty-five | 🔊 Kakskümmend viis |
🔊 Twenty-six | 🔊 Kakskümmend kuus |
🔊 Twenty-seven | 🔊 Kakskümmend seitse |
🔊 Twenty-eight | 🔊 Kakskümmend kaheksa |
🔊 Twenty-nine | 🔊 Kakskümmend üheksa |
🔊 Thirty | 🔊 Kolmkümmend |
🔊 Thirty-one | 🔊 Kolmkümmend üks |
🔊 Thirty-two | 🔊 Kolmkümmend kaks |
🔊 Thirty-three | 🔊 Kolmkümmend kolm |
🔊 Thirty-four | 🔊 Kolmkümmend neli |
🔊 Thirty-five | 🔊 Kolmkümmend viis |
🔊 Thirty-six | 🔊 Kolmkümmend kuus |
🔊 Forty | 🔊 Nelikümmend |
🔊 Fifty | 🔊 Viiskümmend |
🔊 Sixty | 🔊 Kuuskümmend |
🔊 Seventy | 🔊 Seitsekümmend |
🔊 Eighty | 🔊 Kaheksakümmend |
🔊 Ninety | 🔊 Üheksakümmend |
🔊 One hundred | 🔊 Sada |
🔊 A hundred and five | 🔊 Viissada |
🔊 Two hundred | 🔊 Kakssada |
🔊 Three hundred | 🔊 Kolmsada |
🔊 Four hundred | 🔊 Nelisada |
🔊 A thousand | 🔊 Tuhat |
🔊 A thousand five hundred | 🔊 Tuhat viissada |
🔊 Two thousand | 🔊 Kaks tuhat |
🔊 Ten thousand | 🔊 Kümme tuhat |
English | Estonian |
🔊 When did you get here? | 🔊 Millal sa jõudsid? |
🔊 Today | 🔊 Täna |
🔊 Yesterday | 🔊 Eile |
🔊 Two days ago | 🔊 Kaks päeva tagasi |
🔊 How long are you staying for? | 🔊 Kui kauaks sa jääd? |
🔊 I'm leaving tomorrow | 🔊 Ma sõidan homme ära |
🔊 I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow | 🔊 Ma sõidan ülehomme ära |
🔊 I'll be leaving in three days | 🔊 Ma sõidan ära kolme päeva pärast |
🔊 I'll be leaving in three days | 🔊 Ma lahkun kolme päeva pärast |
🔊 Monday | 🔊 Esmaspäev |
🔊 Tuesday | 🔊 Teisipäev |
🔊 Wednesday | 🔊 Kolmapäev |
🔊 Thursday | 🔊 Neljapäev |
🔊 Friday | 🔊 Reede |
🔊 Saturday | 🔊 Laupäev |
🔊 Sunday | 🔊 Pühapäev |
🔊 January | 🔊 Jaanuar |
🔊 February | 🔊 Veebruar |
🔊 March | 🔊 Märts |
🔊 April | 🔊 Aprill |
🔊 May | 🔊 Mai |
🔊 June | 🔊 Juuni |
🔊 July | 🔊 Juuli |
🔊 August | 🔊 August |
🔊 September | 🔊 September |
🔊 October | 🔊 Oktoober |
🔊 November | 🔊 November |
🔊 December | 🔊 Detsember |
🔊 What time are you leaving at? | 🔊 Mis kell sa sõidad? |
🔊 Morning, at eight o'clock | 🔊 Hommikul kell kaheksa |
🔊 Morning, at a quarter past 8 | 🔊 Hommikul kell kaheksa viisteist |
🔊 Morning, at half past 8 | 🔊 Hommikul kell pool üheksa |
🔊 Morning, at a quarter to nine | 🔊 Hommikul kolmveerand üheksa |
🔊 Evening, at 6pm | 🔊 Õhtul kell kuus |
🔊 I am late | 🔊 Ma olen hiljaks jäänud |
🔊 I am late | 🔊 Ma jään hiljaks |
English | Estonian |
🔊 Taxi! | 🔊 Takso! |
🔊 Where would you like to go? | 🔊 Kuhu te soovite sôita? |
🔊 I'm going to the train station | 🔊 Ma lähen raudteejaama |
🔊 I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel | 🔊 Ma lähen hotelli Päev ja Öö |
🔊 Can you take me to the airport, please? | 🔊 Kas te saaksite mind lennujaama viia? |
🔊 Can you take my luggage? | 🔊 Kas te saaksite mu kohvrid vôtta? |
🔊 Is it far from here? | 🔊 Kas see on siit kaugel? |
🔊 No it's close | 🔊 Ei, see on siin lähedal |
🔊 Yes it's a little bit further away | 🔊 See on kaugemal |
🔊 How much will it be? | 🔊 Kui palju see maksma läheb? |
🔊 Take me there, please | 🔊 Palun viige mind siia! |
🔊 You go right | 🔊 Paremal |
🔊 You go left | 🔊 Vasakul |
🔊 It's straight on | 🔊 Otse |
🔊 It's right here | 🔊 See on siin |
🔊 It's that way | 🔊 See jääb sinnapoole |
🔊 Stop! | 🔊 Peatus! |
🔊 Stop! | 🔊 Stopp! |
🔊 Take your time | 🔊 Tehke rahulikult |
🔊 Take your time | 🔊 Aega on |
🔊 Can I have a receipt, please? | 🔊 Kas te võiksite palun mulle arve teha? |
English | Estonian |
🔊 Do you have family here? | 🔊 Kas sul on siin sugulasi? |
🔊 My father | 🔊 Minu isa |
🔊 My mother | 🔊 Minu ema |
🔊 My son | 🔊 Minu poeg |
🔊 My daughter | 🔊 Minu tütar |
🔊 A brother | 🔊 Üks vend |
🔊 a sister | 🔊 Üks õde |
🔊 a friend | 🔊 Üks sõber |
🔊 a friend | 🔊 Üks sõbranna |
🔊 My boyfriend | 🔊 Minu sõber |
🔊 My boyfriend | 🔊 Minu poisssõber |
🔊 My girlfriend | 🔊 Minu sõbranna |
🔊 My girlfriend | 🔊 Minu tüdrukssõber |
🔊 My husband | 🔊 Minu abikaasa |
🔊 My husband | 🔊 Minu mees |
🔊 My wife | 🔊 Minu abikaasa |
🔊 My wife | 🔊 Minu naine |
English | Estonian |
🔊 I really like your country | 🔊 Mulle väga meeldib sinu maa |
🔊 I love you | 🔊 Ma armastan sind |
🔊 I am happy | 🔊 Ma olen õnnelik |
🔊 I am sad | 🔊 Ma olen kurb |
🔊 I feel great here | 🔊 Ma tunnen siin ennast hästi |
🔊 I am cold | 🔊 Mul on külm |
🔊 I am hot | 🔊 Mul on soe |
🔊 It's too big | 🔊 See on liiga suur |
🔊 It's too small | 🔊 See on liiga väike |
🔊 It's perfect | 🔊 See sobib hästi |
🔊 Do you want to go out tonight? | 🔊 Kas sa tahad täna õhtul välja minna? |
🔊 I would like to go out tonight | 🔊 Ma tahaksin täna õhtul välja minna |
🔊 It is a good idea | 🔊 See on hea mõte |
🔊 I want to have fun | 🔊 Mul on peotuju |
🔊 It is not a good idea | 🔊 See ei ole hea mõte |
🔊 I don't want to go out tonight | 🔊 Ma ei taha täna õhtul välja minna |
🔊 I want to rest | 🔊 Ma tahan puhata |
🔊 Would you like to do some sport? | 🔊 Kas sa tahaksid sporti teha? |
🔊 Yes, I need to relax | 🔊 Jaa, mul on vaja ennast välja elada |
🔊 I play tennis | 🔊 Ma mängin tennist |
🔊 No thanks. I am tired already | 🔊 Ei tänan. Ma olen päris väsinud |
English | Estonian |
🔊 The bar | 🔊 Baar |
🔊 Would you like to have a drink? | 🔊 Soovid sa midagi juua? |
🔊 To drink | 🔊 Jooma |
🔊 Glass | 🔊 Klaas |
🔊 With pleasure | 🔊 Meelsasti |
🔊 With pleasure | 🔊 Hea meelega! |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Mida sina jood? |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Mida sina võtad? |
🔊 What's on offer? | 🔊 Mis siin juua on? |
🔊 There is water or fruit juices | 🔊 Vett vôi mahla |
🔊 Water | 🔊 Vett |
🔊 Can you add some ice cubes, please? | 🔊 Kas te saaksite jääd ka sisse panna? |
🔊 Ice cubes | 🔊 Jääd |
🔊 Chocolate | 🔊 Kakaod |
🔊 Milk | 🔊 Piima |
🔊 Tea | 🔊 Teed |
🔊 Coffee | 🔊 Kohvi |
🔊 With sugar | 🔊 Suhkruga |
🔊 With cream | 🔊 Koorega |
🔊 Wine | 🔊 Veini |
🔊 Beer | 🔊 Õlut |
🔊 A tea please | 🔊 Üks tee, palun |
🔊 A beer please | 🔊 Üks õlu, palun! |
🔊 What would you like to drink? | 🔊 Mida te soovite juua? |
🔊 Two teas please! | 🔊 Kaks teed, palun! |
🔊 Two beers please! | 🔊 Kaks õlut, palun! |
🔊 Nothing, thanks | 🔊 Ei midagi, tänan |
🔊 Cheers! | 🔊 Sinu terviseks! |
🔊 Cheers! | 🔊 Terviseks! |
🔊 Can we have the bill please? | 🔊 Arve, palun! |
🔊 Excuse me, how much do I owe? | 🔊 Palju ma teile võlgnen? |
🔊 Twenty euros | 🔊 Kakskümmend eurot |
🔊 It's on me | 🔊 Mina maksan |
English | Estonian |
🔊 The restaurant | 🔊 Restoran |
🔊 Would you like to eat? | 🔊 Kas sa süüa tahad ? |
🔊 Yes, with pleasure | 🔊 Jah, tahan küll |
🔊 To eat | 🔊 Sööma |
🔊 Where can we eat? | 🔊 Kus me saaksime süüa? |
🔊 Where can we have lunch? | 🔊 Kus me saaksime lõunat süüa? |
🔊 Dinner | 🔊 Õhtusöök |
🔊 Breakfast | 🔊 Hommikusöök |
🔊 Excuse me! | 🔊 Palun! |
🔊 The menu, please | 🔊 Menüü palun! |
🔊 Here is the menu | 🔊 Siin on menüü! |
🔊 What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish? | 🔊 Mida sa eelistad süüa? Liha võî kala? |
🔊 With rice | 🔊 Riisiga |
🔊 With pasta | 🔊 Makaronidega |
🔊 Potatoes | 🔊 Kartuleid |
🔊 Vegetables | 🔊 Juurvilju |
🔊 Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg | 🔊 Munaputru - praetud muna - keedetud muna |
🔊 Bread | 🔊 Leiba |
🔊 Butter | 🔊 Võid |
🔊 Salad | 🔊 Roheline salat |
🔊 Dessert | 🔊 Magustoit |
🔊 Fruit | 🔊 Puuvilju |
🔊 Can I have a knife, please? | 🔊 Kas teil nuga on? |
🔊 Yes, I'll bring it to you right away | 🔊 Jaa, kohe toon! |
🔊 a knife | 🔊 Nuga |
🔊 a fork | 🔊 Kahvel |
🔊 a spoon | 🔊 Lusikas |
🔊 Is it a warm dish? | 🔊 Kas see on soe toit? |
🔊 Yes, very hot also! | 🔊 Jaa, ja väga vürtsikas |
🔊 Warm | 🔊 Soe |
🔊 Cold | 🔊 Külm |
🔊 Hot | 🔊 Vürtsikas |
🔊 I'll have fish | 🔊 Ma võtan kala! |
🔊 Me too | 🔊 Mina ka |
English | Estonian |
🔊 It's late, I have to go! | 🔊 On juba hilja! Ma pean minema! |
🔊 Shall we meet again? | 🔊 Kas me võiksime uuesti kokku saada? |
🔊 Yes with pleasure | 🔊 Jaa, hea meelega! |
🔊 This is my address | 🔊 Ma elan sellel aadressil |
🔊 Do you have a phone number? | 🔊 Kas sul on telefoninumber? |
🔊 Yes here you go | 🔊 Jaa, siin see on |
🔊 I had a lovely time | 🔊 Mul oli sinuga tore |
🔊 Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you | 🔊 Minul samuti. Mul oli hea meel sinuga tutvuda |
🔊 We will see each other soon | 🔊 Me näeme varsti jälle |
🔊 I hope so too | 🔊 Ma loodan samuti |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Head-aega! |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Nägemiseni! |
🔊 See you tomorrow | 🔊 Homseni! |
🔊 Bye! | 🔊 Tšau! |
English | Estonian |
🔊 Thanks | 🔊 Tänan |
🔊 Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop | 🔊 Vabandage, kus on bussipeatus? |
🔊 How much is a ticket to Sun City? | 🔊 Milline rong läheb Päikeselinna? |
🔊 Where does this train go, please? | 🔊 Kuhu see rong läheb? |
🔊 Does this train stop at Sun City? | 🔊 Kas see rong peatub Päikeselinnas? |
🔊 When does the train for Sun City leave? | 🔊 Millal läheb rong Päikeselinna? |
🔊 When will this train arrive in Sun City? | 🔊 Mis kell rong jõuab Päikeselinna? |
🔊 A ticket for Sun City, please | 🔊 Pilet Päikeselinna, palun! |
🔊 Do you have the train's time table? | 🔊 Kas teil on rongiajad? |
🔊 Bus schedule | 🔊 Bussiajad |
🔊 Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City? | 🔊 Milline rong läheb Päikeselinna? |
🔊 This one | 🔊 See siin |
🔊 Don't mention it, have a good trip! | 🔊 Pole tänu väärt. Head reisi! |
🔊 The garage | 🔊 Autoremonditöökoda |
🔊 The petrol station | 🔊 Bensiinijaam |
🔊 A full tank, please | 🔊 Üks paak bensiini, palun! |
🔊 Bike | 🔊 Jalgratas |
🔊 Bike | 🔊 Ratas |
🔊 Town centre | 🔊 Kesklinn |
🔊 Town centre | 🔊 Keskus |
🔊 Suburb | 🔊 Äärelinn |
🔊 It is a city | 🔊 See on suur linn |
🔊 It is a village | 🔊 See on küla |
🔊 A mountain | 🔊 Mägi |
🔊 a lake | 🔊 Järv |
🔊 The countryside | 🔊 Maa |
English | Estonian |
🔊 The hotel | 🔊 Hotell |
🔊 Apartment | 🔊 Korter |
🔊 Welcome! | 🔊 Teretulemast! |
🔊 Do you have a room available? | 🔊 Kas teil on üks vaba tuba? |
🔊 Is there a bathroom in the room? | 🔊 Kas toas on vannituba? |
🔊 Would you prefer two single beds? | 🔊 Kas te eelistate kahte ühekohalist voodit? |
🔊 Do you wish to have a twin room? | 🔊 Kas te soovite ühte tuba kahele? |
🔊 A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower | 🔊 Tuba vanni - rõdu - duššiga |
🔊 Bed and breakfast | 🔊 Tuba hommikusöögiga |
🔊 How much is it for a night? | 🔊 Palju üks öö maksab? |
🔊 I would like to see the room first | 🔊 Ma sooviksin kõigepealt tuba näha |
🔊 Yes, of course | 🔊 Jaa, muidugi |
🔊 Thank you, the room is very nice | 🔊 Aitäh! Tuba on väga hea |
🔊 OK, can I reserve for tonight? | 🔊 Sobib, kas ma saan täna õhtuks broneerida? |
🔊 It's a bit too much for me, thank you | 🔊 See on minu jaoks natuke kallis, aitäh! |
🔊 Could you take care of my luggage, please? | 🔊 Kas te saaksite mu kohvrite eest hoolitseda? |
🔊 Where is my room, please? | 🔊 Kus mu tuba asub? |
🔊 Where is my room, please? | 🔊 Palun öelge kus mu tuba asub? |
🔊 It is on the first floor | 🔊 Esimesel korrusel |
🔊 It is on the first floor | 🔊 See on esimesel korrusel |
🔊 Is there a lift? | 🔊 Kas siin on lift? |
🔊 The elevator is on your left | 🔊 Lift on teist vasakul |
🔊 The elevator is on your right | 🔊 Lift on teist paremal |
🔊 Where is the laundry room, please? | 🔊 Kus asub pesumaja? |
🔊 It is on the ground floor | 🔊 See on esimesel korrusel |
🔊 Ground floor | 🔊 Esimene korrus |
🔊 Bedroom | 🔊 Tuba |
🔊 Dry cleaner's | 🔊 Keemiline puhastus |
🔊 Hair salon | 🔊 Juuksurisalong |
🔊 Car parking space | 🔊 Autoparkla |
🔊 Let's meet in the meeting room? | 🔊 Kas saame kokku nõupidamisruumis? |
🔊 Meeting room | 🔊 Nõupidamisruum |
🔊 The swimming pool is heated | 🔊 Bassein on soe |
🔊 Swimming pool | 🔊 Bassein |
🔊 Please, wake me up at seven a.m. | 🔊 Palun äratage mind kell 7 |
🔊 The key, please | 🔊 Võti palun! |
🔊 The pass, please | 🔊 Magnetkaart |
🔊 Are there any messages for me? | 🔊 Kas mulle on teateid? |
🔊 Yes, here you are | 🔊 Jaa, siin need on |
🔊 No, we didn't receive anything for you | 🔊 Ei, ei midagi |
🔊 Where can I get some change? | 🔊 Kus ma saaksin sularaha vahetada? |
🔊 Please can you give me some change? | 🔊 Kas te saaksite mulle raha lahti teha? |
🔊 We can make some for you, how much would you like? | 🔊 Saame küll teha. Palju te sularaha tahate? |
English | Estonian |
🔊 Excuse me, is Sarah here? | 🔊 Kas Sarah on siin? |
🔊 Yes, she's here | 🔊 Jaa, ta on siin |
🔊 She's out | 🔊 Ta läks välja |
🔊 You can call her on her mobile phone | 🔊 Te võite talle mobiilile helistada |
🔊 Do you know where I could find her? | 🔊 Oskate te öelda, kust ma teda leida võin? |
🔊 She is at work | 🔊 Ta on tööl |
🔊 She is at home | 🔊 Ta on kodus |
🔊 Excuse me, is Julien here? | 🔊 Kas Julien on siin? |
🔊 Yes, he's here | 🔊 Jaa, ta on siin |
🔊 He's out | 🔊 Ta läks välja |
🔊 Do you know where I could find him? | 🔊 Oskate te öelda, kust ma teda leida võin? |
🔊 You can call him on his mobile phone | 🔊 Te võite talle mobiilile helistada |
🔊 He is at work | 🔊 Ta on tööl |
🔊 He is at home | 🔊 Ta on kodus |
English | Estonian |
🔊 The beach | 🔊 Rand |
🔊 Do you know where I can buy a ball? | 🔊 Kas te oskate öelda kust ma saaks osta palli? |
🔊 There is a store in this direction | 🔊 Sinnapoole minnes on üks pood |
🔊 a ball | 🔊 Pall |
🔊 Binoculars | 🔊 Pinokkel |
🔊 a cap | 🔊 Nokamüts |
🔊 a towel | 🔊 Käterätik |
🔊 Sandals | 🔊 Sandaalid |
🔊 a bucket | 🔊 Pang |
🔊 a bucket | 🔊 Ämber |
🔊 Suntan lotion | 🔊 Päikesekreem |
🔊 Swimming trunks | 🔊 Ujumispüksid |
🔊 Sunglasses | 🔊 Ujumisprillid |
🔊 Shellfish | 🔊 Rannakarbid |
🔊 Sunbathing | 🔊 Päevitama |
🔊 Sunny | 🔊 Päikeseline |
🔊 Sunset | 🔊 Päikeseloojang |
🔊 Parasol | 🔊 Päikesevari |
🔊 Sun | 🔊 Päike |
🔊 Sunshade | 🔊 Vari |
🔊 Sunstroke | 🔊 Päikesepiste |
🔊 Is it dangerous to swim here? | 🔊 Kas siin on ohtlik ujuda? |
🔊 No, it is not dangerous | 🔊 Ei, ei ole ohtlik |
🔊 Yes, it is forbidden to swim here | 🔊 Jaa, siin on ohtlik ujuda |
🔊 Swim | 🔊 Ujuma |
🔊 Swimming | 🔊 Ujumine |
🔊 Wave | 🔊 Laine |
🔊 Sea | 🔊 Meri |
🔊 Dune | 🔊 Liivaluide |
🔊 Sand | 🔊 Liiv |
🔊 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? | 🔊 Millist ilma homme lubatakse? |
🔊 The weather is going to change | 🔊 Ilm muutub |
🔊 It is going to rain | 🔊 Hakkab sadama |
🔊 It will be sunny | 🔊 Tuleb päiksepaisteline ilm |
🔊 It will be very windy | 🔊 Tuleb väga tuuline ilm |
🔊 Swimming suit | 🔊 Ujumistrikoo |
English | Estonian |
🔊 Can you help me, please? | 🔊 Kas te saaksite mind aidata? |
🔊 I'm lost | 🔊 Ma olen ära eksinud |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Mida te soovite? |
🔊 What happened? | 🔊 Mis juhtus? |
🔊 Where could I find an interpreter? | 🔊 Kust ma võiksin leida tõlki? |
🔊 Where is the nearest chemist's shop? | 🔊 Kus on lähim apteek? |
🔊 Can you call a doctor, please | 🔊 Kutsuge arst, palun! |
🔊 Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment? | 🔊 Milliseid rohtusid te praegu võtate? |
🔊 a hospital | 🔊 Haigla |
🔊 a chemist's | 🔊 Apteek |
🔊 a doctor | 🔊 Arst |
🔊 Medical department | 🔊 Arstiteenus |
🔊 I lost my papers | 🔊 Ma kaotasin oma dokumendid |
🔊 My papers have been stolen | 🔊 Mul varastati dokumendid |
🔊 Lost-property office | 🔊 Kaotatud asjade büroo |
🔊 First-aid station | 🔊 Hädaabipunkt |
🔊 Emergency exit | 🔊 Hädaabiväljapääs |
🔊 The police | 🔊 Politsei |
🔊 Papers | 🔊 Dokumendid |
🔊 Money | 🔊 Raha |
🔊 Passport | 🔊 Pass |
🔊 Luggage | 🔊 Pagas |
🔊 I'm ok, thanks | 🔊 Ei tänan |
🔊 Leave me alone! | 🔊 Jatke mind rahule! |
🔊 Go away! | 🔊 Lahkuge! |