Vocabulary in Latvian for beginners and travellers
Video with the most common words in Latvian

Why and how to learn Latvian vocabulary with audio?
Latvian is one of the essential languages to learn for lovers of musical culture (mūzika). You can also take a taxi (Taksi) to visit its colourful cities with stunning architecture (Tā ir liela pilsēta : "It's a big city"). It is also one of the greenest countries in the world, so it is ideal for hikers.
Dance and sing to the rhythm of the Latvian language with the locals (Kāda ir tava nacionalitāte? to apply for a nationality) by learning the basics of the language, by studying our forms before any trip.
In addition to these cards, regular practice will help you understand and remember words even better. This is why we have established some examples of books, films, programs and music to consult in order to better immerse you in everyday life. Look at the music because it is the basis of this culture!
Selection of content to immerse yourself in Latvian culture
- Jelgava 94 by Jānis Joņevs
- Smalkās kaites by Eriks Ādamsons
Here is a selection of 400 useful words and expressions to get you started
These words and expressions are classified by theme. By clicking on the buttons Quiz or Courses, you will have free access to the full course in Latvian. By clicking on the button printer, you can print all the expressions of the theme. This content is free of charge.English | Latvian |
🔊 Hello | 🔊 Labdien |
🔊 Good evening | 🔊 Labvakar |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Uz redzēšanos |
🔊 See you later | 🔊 Uz tikšanos |
🔊 Yes | 🔊 Jā |
🔊 No | 🔊 Nē |
🔊 Please! | 🔊 Atvainojiet |
🔊 Thanks | 🔊 Paldies |
🔊 Thanks a lot | 🔊 Liels paldies! |
🔊 Thank you for your help | 🔊 Pateicos par palīdzību |
🔊 Don't mention it | 🔊 Lūdzu |
🔊 Ok | 🔊 Labi |
🔊 How much is it? | 🔊 Cik tas maksā, lūdzu? |
🔊 Sorry! | 🔊 Piedodiet! |
🔊 I don't understand | 🔊 Es nesaprotu |
🔊 I get it | 🔊 Es sapratu |
🔊 I don't know | 🔊 Es nezinu |
🔊 Forbidden | 🔊 Aizliegts |
🔊 Excuse me, where are the toilets? | 🔊 Kur ir tualete, lūdzu? |
🔊 Happy New Year! | 🔊 Laimīgu Jauno Gadu! |
🔊 Happy birthday! | 🔊 Daudz laimes dzimšanas dienā! |
🔊 Happy holiday! | 🔊 Priecīgus svētkus! |
🔊 Congratulations! | 🔊 Apsveicu! |
English | Latvian |
🔊 Hello. How are you? | 🔊 Labdien! Kā tev iet? |
🔊 Hello. I'm fine, thank you | 🔊 Labdien! Paldies, labi |
🔊 No, I don't speak Latvian | 🔊 Nē, es nerunāju latviski |
🔊 Only a little bit | 🔊 Tikai mazliet |
🔊 Where do you come from? | 🔊 No kuras valsts tu esi? |
🔊 What is your nationality? | 🔊 Kāda ir tava nacionalitāte? |
🔊 I am English | 🔊 Es esmu anglis |
🔊 And you, do you live here? | 🔊 Un tu, vai tu dzīvo šeit? |
🔊 Yes, I live here | 🔊 Jā, es dzīvoju šeit |
🔊 My name is Sarah, what's your name? | 🔊 Mani sauc Sāra, un tevi? |
🔊 Julian | 🔊 ?iljēns |
🔊 What are you doing here? | 🔊 Ar ko tu šeit nodarbojies? |
🔊 I am on holiday | 🔊 Esmu atvaļinājumā |
🔊 We are on holiday | 🔊 Esam atvaļinājumā |
🔊 I am on a business trip | 🔊 Esmu komandējumā |
🔊 I work here | 🔊 Es šeit strādāju |
🔊 We work here | 🔊 Mēs šeit strādājam |
🔊 Where are the good places to go out and eat? | 🔊 Tu zini labu vietu, kur var paēst? |
🔊 Is there a museum in the neighbourhood? | 🔊 Vai netālu ir kāds muzejs? |
🔊 Where could I get an internet connection? | 🔊 Kur var pieslēgties internetam? |
English | Latvian |
🔊 I get it | 🔊 Es sapratu |
🔊 Do you want to learn a few words? | 🔊 Tu gribi iemācīties dažus vārdus? |
🔊 Yes, sure! | 🔊 Jā, labi! |
🔊 What's this called? | 🔊 Kā tas saucās? |
🔊 It's a table | 🔊 Tas ir galds |
🔊 A table. Do you understand? | 🔊 Galds, saproti |
🔊 Can you repeat please? | 🔊 Tu vari atkārtot, lūdzu? |
🔊 Can you talk a bit more slowly, please ? | 🔊 Vai tu vari runāt mazliet lēnāk? |
🔊 Could you write it down, please? | 🔊 Tu vari to uzrakstīt lūdzu? |
English | Latvian |
🔊 I like the colour of this table | 🔊 Man patīk šī galda krāsa |
🔊 It's red | 🔊 Tas ir sarkans |
🔊 Blue | 🔊 Zils |
🔊 Yellow | 🔊 Dzeltens |
🔊 White | 🔊 Balts |
🔊 Black | 🔊 Melns |
🔊 Green | 🔊 Zaļš |
🔊 Orange | 🔊 Oranžs |
🔊 Purple | 🔊 Violets |
🔊 Grey | 🔊 Pelēks |
English | Latvian |
🔊 Zero | 🔊 Nulle |
🔊 One | 🔊 Viens |
🔊 Two | 🔊 Divi |
🔊 Three | 🔊 Trīs |
🔊 Four | 🔊 Četri |
🔊 Five | 🔊 Pieci |
🔊 Six | 🔊 Seši |
🔊 Seven | 🔊 Septiņi |
🔊 Eight | 🔊 Astoņi |
🔊 Nine | 🔊 Deviņi |
🔊 Ten | 🔊 Desmit |
🔊 Eleven | 🔊 Vienpadsmit |
🔊 Twelve | 🔊 Divpadsmit |
🔊 Thirteen | 🔊 Trīspadsmit |
🔊 Fourteen | 🔊 Četrpadsmit |
🔊 Fifteen | 🔊 Piecpadsmit |
🔊 Sixteen | 🔊 Sešpadsmit |
🔊 Seventeen | 🔊 Septiņpadsmit |
🔊 Eighteen | 🔊 Astoņpadsmit |
🔊 Nineteen | 🔊 Deviņpadsmit |
🔊 Twenty | 🔊 Divdesmit |
🔊 Twenty-one | 🔊 Divdesmit viens |
🔊 Twenty-two | 🔊 Divdesmit divi |
🔊 Twenty-three | 🔊 Divdesmit trīs |
🔊 Twenty-four | 🔊 Divdesmit četri |
🔊 Twenty-five | 🔊 Divdesmit pieci |
🔊 Twenty-six | 🔊 Divdesmit seši |
🔊 Twenty-seven | 🔊 Divdesmit septiņi |
🔊 Twenty-eight | 🔊 Divdesmit astoņi |
🔊 Twenty-nine | 🔊 Divdesmit deviņi |
🔊 Thirty | 🔊 Trīsdesmit |
🔊 Thirty-one | 🔊 Trīsdesmit viens |
🔊 Thirty-two | 🔊 Trīsdesmit divi |
🔊 Thirty-three | 🔊 Trīsdesmit trīs |
🔊 Thirty-four | 🔊 Trīsdesmit četri |
🔊 Thirty-five | 🔊 Trīsdesmit pieci |
🔊 Thirty-six | 🔊 Trīsdesmit seši |
🔊 Forty | 🔊 Četrdesmit |
🔊 Fifty | 🔊 Piecdesmit |
🔊 Sixty | 🔊 Sešdesmit |
🔊 Seventy | 🔊 Septiņdesmit |
🔊 Eighty | 🔊 Astoņdesmit |
🔊 Ninety | 🔊 Deviņdesmit |
🔊 One hundred | 🔊 Simts |
🔊 A hundred and five | 🔊 Simts pieci |
🔊 Two hundred | 🔊 Divi simti |
🔊 Three hundred | 🔊 Trīs simti |
🔊 Four hundred | 🔊 Četri simti |
🔊 A thousand | 🔊 Tūkstotis |
🔊 A thousand five hundred | 🔊 Tūkstotis pieci simti |
🔊 Two thousand | 🔊 Divi tūkstoši |
🔊 Ten thousand | 🔊 Desmit tūkstoši |
English | Latvian |
🔊 When did you get here? | 🔊 Kad tu esi atbraucis šeit? |
🔊 Today | 🔊 Šodien |
🔊 Yesterday | 🔊 Vakar |
🔊 Two days ago | 🔊 Divas dienas atpakaļ |
🔊 How long are you staying for? | 🔊 Cik ilgi tu paliec šeit? |
🔊 I'm leaving tomorrow | 🔊 Es braucu prom rīt |
🔊 I'll be leaving the day after tomorrow | 🔊 Es braucu prom parīt |
🔊 I'll be leaving in three days | 🔊 Es braucu prom pēc trim dienām |
🔊 Monday | 🔊 Pirmdiena |
🔊 Tuesday | 🔊 Otrdiena |
🔊 Wednesday | 🔊 Trešdiena |
🔊 Thursday | 🔊 Ceturtdiena |
🔊 Friday | 🔊 Piektdiena |
🔊 Saturday | 🔊 Sestdiena |
🔊 Sunday | 🔊 Svētdiena |
🔊 January | 🔊 Janvāris |
🔊 February | 🔊 Februāris |
🔊 March | 🔊 Marts |
🔊 April | 🔊 Aprīlis |
🔊 May | 🔊 Maijs |
🔊 June | 🔊 Jūnija |
🔊 July | 🔊 Jūlijs |
🔊 August | 🔊 Augusts |
🔊 September | 🔊 Septembris |
🔊 October | 🔊 Oktobris |
🔊 November | 🔊 Novembris |
🔊 December | 🔊 Decembris |
🔊 What time are you leaving at? | 🔊 Cikos tu brauc prom? |
🔊 Morning, at eight o'clock | 🔊 Astoņos no rīta |
🔊 Morning, at a quarter past 8 | 🔊 Astoņos piecpadsmit no rīta |
🔊 Morning, at half past 8 | 🔊 Astoņos trīsdesmit no rīta |
🔊 Morning, at a quarter to nine | 🔊 Astoņos četrdesmit piecās no rīta |
🔊 Evening, at 6pm | 🔊 Sešos vakarā |
🔊 I am late | 🔊 Es kavēju |
English | Latvian |
🔊 Taxi! | 🔊 Taksi! |
🔊 Where would you like to go? | 🔊 Kūr Jūs braucat? |
🔊 I'm going to the train station | 🔊 Man vajag uz staciju |
🔊 I'm going to the Day and Night Hotel | 🔊 Braucu uz Diennakts viesnīcu |
🔊 Can you take me to the airport, please? | 🔊 Jūs varat mani aizvest uz lidostu? |
🔊 Can you take my luggage? | 🔊 Vai Jūs varat paņemt manu bagāžu? |
🔊 Is it far from here? | 🔊 Vai tas ir tālu? |
🔊 No it's close | 🔊 Nē, tas ir tuvu |
🔊 Yes it's a little bit further away | 🔊 Jā, tas ir nedaudz tālāk |
🔊 How much will it be? | 🔊 Cik tas maksās? |
🔊 Take me there, please | 🔊 Aizvediet mani šeit, lūdzu |
🔊 You go right | 🔊 Tas ir pa labi |
🔊 You go left | 🔊 Tas ir pa kreisi |
🔊 It's straight on | 🔊 Tas ir taisni |
🔊 It's right here | 🔊 Tas ir šeit |
🔊 It's that way | 🔊 Tas ir tur |
🔊 Stop! | 🔊 Apstājieties! |
🔊 Take your time | 🔊 Nesteidzieties |
🔊 Can I have a receipt, please? | 🔊 Vai Jūs varētu izrakstīt kvīti? |
English | Latvian |
🔊 Do you have family here? | 🔊 Vai tev šeit ir radi? |
🔊 My father | 🔊 Mans tēvs |
🔊 My mother | 🔊 Mana māte |
🔊 My son | 🔊 Mans dēls |
🔊 My daughter | 🔊 Mana meita |
🔊 A brother | 🔊 Brālis |
🔊 a sister | 🔊 Māsa |
🔊 a friend | 🔊 Draugs |
🔊 a friend | 🔊 Draudzene |
🔊 My boyfriend | 🔊 Mans draugs |
🔊 My girlfriend | 🔊 Mana draudzene |
🔊 My husband | 🔊 Mans vīrs |
🔊 My wife | 🔊 Mana sieva |
English | Latvian |
🔊 I really like your country | 🔊 Man ļoti patīk tava zeme |
🔊 I love you | 🔊 Es tevi mīlu |
🔊 I am happy | 🔊 Esmu laimīgs |
🔊 I am sad | 🔊 Esmu skumjš |
🔊 I feel great here | 🔊 Es labi jūtos šeit |
🔊 I am cold | 🔊 Man ir auksti |
🔊 I am hot | 🔊 Man ir karsti |
🔊 It's too big | 🔊 Tas ir pārāk liels |
🔊 It's too small | 🔊 Tas ir pārāk mazs |
🔊 It's perfect | 🔊 Tas ir perfekti |
🔊 Do you want to go out tonight? | 🔊 Tu gribi kaut kur aiziet šovakar? |
🔊 I would like to go out tonight | 🔊 Es gribētu kaut kur aiziet šovakar |
🔊 It is a good idea | 🔊 Laba doma |
🔊 I want to have fun | 🔊 Gribu izklaidēties |
🔊 It is not a good idea | 🔊 Tā nav laba doma |
🔊 I don't want to go out tonight | 🔊 Es negribu nekur iet šovakar |
🔊 I want to rest | 🔊 Es gribu atpūsties |
🔊 Would you like to do some sport? | 🔊 Varbūt vēlies pasportot? |
🔊 Yes, I need to relax | 🔊 Jā, gribu iztrakoties! |
🔊 I play tennis | 🔊 Es spēlēju tenisu |
🔊 No thanks. I am tired already | 🔊 Nē, paldies, jūtos diezgan noguris |
English | Latvian |
🔊 The bar | 🔊 Bārs |
🔊 Would you like to have a drink? | 🔊 Vēlies kaut ko iedzert? |
🔊 To drink | 🔊 Dzert |
🔊 Glass | 🔊 Glāze |
🔊 With pleasure | 🔊 Labprāt |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Ko tu ņemsi? |
🔊 What's on offer? | 🔊 Ko Jūs piedāvājat iedzert? |
🔊 There is water or fruit juices | 🔊 Ir ūdens vai augļu sulas |
🔊 Water | 🔊 Ūdens |
🔊 Can you add some ice cubes, please? | 🔊 Pielieciet ledu lūdzu |
🔊 Ice cubes | 🔊 Ledu |
🔊 Chocolate | 🔊 Šokolādi |
🔊 Milk | 🔊 Pienu |
🔊 Tea | 🔊 Tēju |
🔊 Coffee | 🔊 Kafiju |
🔊 With sugar | 🔊 Ar cukuru |
🔊 With cream | 🔊 Ar saldo krējumu |
🔊 Wine | 🔊 Vīnu |
🔊 Beer | 🔊 Alu |
🔊 A tea please | 🔊 Tēju, lūdzu |
🔊 A beer please | 🔊 Alu, lūdzu |
🔊 What would you like to drink? | 🔊 Ko jūs dzersiet? |
🔊 Two teas please! | 🔊 Divas tējas, lūdzu |
🔊 Two beers please! | 🔊 Divus alus, lūdzu |
🔊 Nothing, thanks | 🔊 Neko, paldies |
🔊 Cheers! | 🔊 Priekā! |
🔊 Cheers! | 🔊 Uz veselību! |
🔊 Can we have the bill please? | 🔊 Sarēķiniet lūdzu |
🔊 Excuse me, how much do I owe? | 🔊 Cik man ir jāmaksā, lūzu? |
🔊 Twenty euros | 🔊 Divdesmit eiro |
🔊 It's on me | 🔊 Es uzsaucu |
English | Latvian |
🔊 The restaurant | 🔊 Restorāns |
🔊 Would you like to eat? | 🔊 Tu gribi ēst? |
🔊 Yes, with pleasure | 🔊 Jā, labrāt |
🔊 To eat | 🔊 Ēst |
🔊 Where can we eat? | 🔊 Kur mēs varam paēst? |
🔊 Where can we have lunch? | 🔊 Kur mēs varam paēst brokastis? |
🔊 Dinner | 🔊 Vakariņas |
🔊 Breakfast | 🔊 Brokastis |
🔊 Excuse me! | 🔊 Lūdzu! |
🔊 The menu, please | 🔊 Ēdienkarti, lūdzu! |
🔊 Here is the menu | 🔊 Lūk, ēdienkarte! |
🔊 What do you prefer to eat? Meat or fish? | 🔊 Kas tev vairāk garšo - gaļa vai zivs? |
🔊 With rice | 🔊 Ar rīsiem |
🔊 With pasta | 🔊 Ar marakoniem |
🔊 Potatoes | 🔊 Kartupeļi |
🔊 Vegetables | 🔊 Dārzeņi |
🔊 Scrambled eggs - fried eggs - or a boiled egg | 🔊 Olu kultenis - ceptas olas - vai mīksti vārītas olas |
🔊 Bread | 🔊 Maize |
🔊 Butter | 🔊 Sviests |
🔊 Salad | 🔊 Lapu salāti |
🔊 Dessert | 🔊 Deserts |
🔊 Fruit | 🔊 Augļi |
🔊 Can I have a knife, please? | 🔊 Vai Jūs varat iedot nazi? |
🔊 Yes, I'll bring it to you right away | 🔊 Jā, tūlīt atnesīšu |
🔊 a knife | 🔊 Nazis |
🔊 a fork | 🔊 Dakša |
🔊 a spoon | 🔊 Karote |
🔊 Is it a warm dish? | 🔊 Tas ir siltais ēdiens? |
🔊 Yes, very hot also! | 🔊 Jā, un tajā ir daudz garšvielu |
🔊 Warm | 🔊 Silts |
🔊 Cold | 🔊 Auksts |
🔊 Hot | 🔊 Ass |
🔊 I'll have fish | 🔊 Es ņemšu zivi |
🔊 Me too | 🔊 Es arī |
English | Latvian |
🔊 It's late, I have to go! | 🔊 Ir vēls! Man ir jāiet! |
🔊 Shall we meet again? | 🔊 Vai mēs varētu satikties vēlreiz? |
🔊 Yes with pleasure | 🔊 Jā, ar prieku |
🔊 This is my address | 🔊 Es dzīvoju šajā adresē |
🔊 Do you have a phone number? | 🔊 Vai tev ir tālruņa numurs |
🔊 Yes here you go | 🔊 Jā, lūk |
🔊 I had a lovely time | 🔊 Es jauki pavadīju laiku kopā ar tevi |
🔊 Me too, it was a pleasure to meet you | 🔊 Man arī bija bija prieks tevi satikt |
🔊 We will see each other soon | 🔊 Mēs drīz atkal tiksimies |
🔊 I hope so too | 🔊 Es arī ceru |
🔊 Goodbye | 🔊 Uz redzēšanos |
🔊 See you tomorrow | 🔊 Līdz rītam! |
🔊 Bye! | 🔊 Čau! |
English | Latvian |
🔊 Thanks | 🔊 Paldies |
🔊 Excuse me! I'm looking for the bus stop | 🔊 Lūdzu, vai Jūs lūdzu varētu pateikt, kur ir autobusu pietura? |
🔊 How much is a ticket to Sun City? | 🔊 Cik maksā biļete uz Saules Pilsētu, lūdzu? |
🔊 Where does this train go, please? | 🔊 Kur iet šis vilciens, lūdzu? |
🔊 Does this train stop at Sun City? | 🔊 Vai šis vilciens pietur Saules Pilsētā? |
🔊 When does the train for Sun City leave? | 🔊 Cikos atiet vilciens uz Saules Pilsētu? |
🔊 When will this train arrive in Sun City? | 🔊 Cikos pienāk vilciens uz Saules Pilsētu? |
🔊 A ticket for Sun City, please | 🔊 Vienu biļeti uz Saules Pilsētu, lūdzu |
🔊 Do you have the train's time table? | 🔊 Vai Jums ir vilcienu saraksts? |
🔊 Bus schedule | 🔊 Autobusu saraksts |
🔊 Excuse me, which train goes to Sun City? | 🔊 Kurš būtu vilciens uz Saules Pilsētu, lūdzu? |
🔊 This one | 🔊 Tas ir šis |
🔊 Don't mention it, have a good trip! | 🔊 Nav par ko. Patīkamu braucienu! |
🔊 The garage | 🔊 Autoserviss |
🔊 The petrol station | 🔊 Degvielas uzpildes stacija |
🔊 A full tank, please | 🔊 Pilnu bāku, lūdzu |
🔊 Bike | 🔊 Ritenis |
🔊 Town centre | 🔊 Pilsētas centrs |
🔊 Suburb | 🔊 Priekšpilsēta |
🔊 It is a city | 🔊 Tā ir liela pilsēta |
🔊 It is a village | 🔊 Tas ir ciems |
🔊 A mountain | 🔊 Kalns |
🔊 a lake | 🔊 Ezers |
🔊 The countryside | 🔊 Lauki |
English | Latvian |
🔊 The hotel | 🔊 Viesnīca |
🔊 Apartment | 🔊 Dzīvoklis |
🔊 Welcome! | 🔊 Laipni lūdzam! |
🔊 Do you have a room available? | 🔊 Vai Jums ir brīvs numurs? |
🔊 Is there a bathroom in the room? | 🔊 Vai tajā ir vannas istaba? |
🔊 Would you prefer two single beds? | 🔊 Vai Jūs vēlaties divas vienvietīgas gultas? |
🔊 Do you wish to have a twin room? | 🔊 Vai Jūs vēlaties divvietīgu istabu? |
🔊 A room with bathtub - with balcony - with shower | 🔊 Istaba ar vannu - ar balkonu - ar dušu |
🔊 Bed and breakfast | 🔊 Istaba ar brokastīm |
🔊 How much is it for a night? | 🔊 Cik maksā par vienu nakti? |
🔊 I would like to see the room first | 🔊 Es gribētu vispirms apskatīt istabu! |
🔊 Yes, of course | 🔊 Jā, protams! |
🔊 Thank you, the room is very nice | 🔊 Paldies. Man patīk istaba |
🔊 OK, can I reserve for tonight? | 🔊 Labi, vai es varu rezervēt uz šo vakaru? |
🔊 It's a bit too much for me, thank you | 🔊 Tas ir pārāk dārgi priekš manis, paldies |
🔊 Could you take care of my luggage, please? | 🔊 Vai Jūs varat parūpēties par manu bagāžu? |
🔊 Where is my room, please? | 🔊 Kur atrodas mana istaba, lūdzu? |
🔊 It is on the first floor | 🔊 Tā ir otrajā stāvā |
🔊 Is there a lift? | 🔊 Vai Jums ir lifts? |
🔊 The elevator is on your left | 🔊 Lifts ir pa kreisi |
🔊 The elevator is on your right | 🔊 Lifts ir pa labi |
🔊 Where is the laundry room, please? | 🔊 Kur atrodas veļas mazgātava? |
🔊 It is on the ground floor | 🔊 Tā ir pirmajā stāvā |
🔊 Ground floor | 🔊 Pirmais stāvs |
🔊 Bedroom | 🔊 Istaba |
🔊 Dry cleaner's | 🔊 Ķīmiskā tīrītava |
🔊 Hair salon | 🔊 Frizētava |
🔊 Car parking space | 🔊 Automašīnu stāvvieta |
🔊 Let's meet in the meeting room? | 🔊 Tiekamies konferenču zālē? |
🔊 Meeting room | 🔊 Konferenču zāle |
🔊 The swimming pool is heated | 🔊 Baseins ir apsildāms |
🔊 Swimming pool | 🔊 Baseins |
🔊 Please, wake me up at seven a.m. | 🔊 Pamodiniet mani septiņos, lūdzu |
🔊 The key, please | 🔊 Atslēgu, lūdzu |
🔊 The pass, please | 🔊 Elektronisko atslēgu, lūdzu |
🔊 Are there any messages for me? | 🔊 Vai ir ziņojumi priekš manis? |
🔊 Yes, here you are | 🔊 Jā, lūdzu |
🔊 No, we didn't receive anything for you | 🔊 Nē, priekš Jums nekā nav |
🔊 Where can I get some change? | 🔊 Man vajag sīkāku naudu, kur es varu samainīt? |
🔊 Please can you give me some change? | 🔊 Vai Jūs varētu man samainit naudu? |
🔊 We can make some for you, how much would you like? | 🔊 Jā, mēs varam. Cik Jūs vēlaties samainīt? |
English | Latvian |
🔊 Excuse me, is Sarah here? | 🔊 Vai Sāra ir, lūdzu? |
🔊 Yes, she's here | 🔊 Jā, viņa ir šeit |
🔊 She's out | 🔊 Viņa ir izgājusi |
🔊 You can call her on her mobile phone | 🔊 Jūs varat piezvanīt viņai uz mobīlo |
🔊 Do you know where I could find her? | 🔊 Vai Jūs zinat, kur es varu viņu atrast? |
🔊 She is at work | 🔊 Viņa ir darbā |
🔊 She is at home | 🔊 Viņa ir mājās |
🔊 Excuse me, is Julien here? | 🔊 Vai Žiljēns ir, lūdzu? |
🔊 Yes, he's here | 🔊 Jā, viņš ir šeit |
🔊 He's out | 🔊 Viņš ir izgājis |
🔊 Do you know where I could find him? | 🔊 Vai Jūs zinat, kur es varu viņu atrast? |
🔊 You can call him on his mobile phone | 🔊 Jūs varat piezvanīt viņam uz mobīlo |
🔊 He is at work | 🔊 Viņš ir darbā |
🔊 He is at home | 🔊 Viņš ir mājās |
English | Latvian |
🔊 The beach | 🔊 Pludmale |
🔊 Do you know where I can buy a ball? | 🔊 Kur es varētu nopirkt bumbu, lūdzu? |
🔊 There is a store in this direction | 🔊 Uz to pusi ir veikals |
🔊 a ball | 🔊 Bumba |
🔊 Binoculars | 🔊 Binoklis |
🔊 a cap | 🔊 Naģene |
🔊 a towel | 🔊 Dvielis |
🔊 Sandals | 🔊 Zandales |
🔊 a bucket | 🔊 Spainis |
🔊 Suntan lotion | 🔊 Pretiedeguma krēms |
🔊 Swimming trunks | 🔊 Peldbikses - šorti |
🔊 Sunglasses | 🔊 Saules brilles |
🔊 Shellfish | 🔊 Vēžveidīgie |
🔊 Sunbathing | 🔊 Sauļoties |
🔊 Sunny | 🔊 Saulains |
🔊 Sunset | 🔊 Saulriets |
🔊 Parasol | 🔊 Saulessargs |
🔊 Sun | 🔊 Saule |
🔊 Sunshade | 🔊 Ēna |
🔊 Sunstroke | 🔊 Saules dūriens |
🔊 Is it dangerous to swim here? | 🔊 Vai šeit ir bīstami peldēties? |
🔊 No, it is not dangerous | 🔊 Nē, nav bīstami |
🔊 Yes, it is forbidden to swim here | 🔊 Jā, šeit ir aizliegts peldēties |
🔊 Swim | 🔊 Peldēt |
🔊 Swimming | 🔊 Peldēšana |
🔊 Wave | 🔊 Vilnis |
🔊 Sea | 🔊 Jūra |
🔊 Dune | 🔊 Kāpa |
🔊 Sand | 🔊 Smiltis |
🔊 What is the weather forecast for tomorrow? | 🔊 Kāds būs laiks rīt? |
🔊 The weather is going to change | 🔊 Laiks mainīsies |
🔊 It is going to rain | 🔊 Būs lietus |
🔊 It will be sunny | 🔊 Būs saule |
🔊 It will be very windy | 🔊 Būs liels vējš |
🔊 Swimming suit | 🔊 Peldkostīms |
English | Latvian |
🔊 Can you help me, please? | 🔊 Vai Jūs nevarētu man palīdzēt, lūdzu? |
🔊 I'm lost | 🔊 Esmu apmaldījies |
🔊 What would you like? | 🔊 Ko Jūs vēlaties? |
🔊 What happened? | 🔊 Kas notika? |
🔊 Where could I find an interpreter? | 🔊 Kur es varu atrast tulku? |
🔊 Where is the nearest chemist's shop? | 🔊 Kur atrodas tuvākā aptieka? |
🔊 Can you call a doctor, please | 🔊 Vai Jūs varat izsaukt ārstu lūdzu |
🔊 Which kind of treatment are you undergoing at the moment? | 🔊 Kādas zāles Jūs šobrīd lietojat? |
🔊 a hospital | 🔊 Slimnīca |
🔊 a chemist's | 🔊 Aptieka |
🔊 a doctor | 🔊 Ārsts |
🔊 Medical department | 🔊 Medicīniskā palīdzība |
🔊 I lost my papers | 🔊 Es pazaudēju manus dokumentus |
🔊 My papers have been stolen | 🔊 Man nozaga manus dokumentus |
🔊 Lost-property office | 🔊 Atradumu birojs |
🔊 First-aid station | 🔊 Glābšanas dienests |
🔊 Emergency exit | 🔊 Avārijas izeja |
🔊 The police | 🔊 Policija |
🔊 Papers | 🔊 Dokumenti |
🔊 Money | 🔊 Nauda |
🔊 Passport | 🔊 Pase |
🔊 Luggage | 🔊 Bagāža |
🔊 I'm ok, thanks | 🔊 Paldies, nevajag |
🔊 Leave me alone! | 🔊 Lieciet man mieru! |
🔊 Go away! | 🔊 Ejiet! |