Videos: English Pronunciation - Learn English

How to learn English pronunciation with My Fair Lady (1964)
🎬 My Fair Lady: Why can't the English learn to speak? ❤️ English Lesson (for very beginners...
![English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [3ː] English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [3ː]](
English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [3ː]
In this episode we deal with pronunciation of the vowel [3ː] found in world, learn and girl.
![English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [e] English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [e]](
English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [e]
English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [e]
![English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the Diphthongs [/eɪ/] and [/aɪ/] English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the Diphthongs [/eɪ/] and [/aɪ/]](
English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the Diphthongs [/eɪ/] and [/aɪ/]
Pronunciation of the Diphthongs [/eɪ/] and [/aɪ/]
![English with a smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [u:] English with a smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [u:]](
English with a smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [u:]
Pronunciation of the [u:] vowel you hear in flu, blue and true.
![English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [i:] English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [i:]](
English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [i:]
In this lesson Peter & Petra introduce the common /i:/ vowel (in words like sea, meet, me etc) h...
![English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [ɑ:] English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [ɑ:]](
English with a Smile - Pronunciation of the vowel [ɑ:]
In this pronunciation video we deal with the (ɑ:) vowel which is in words such as arm, charm, bravo...
see /si:/
meet /mi:t/
seat /si:t/
sheep /ʃi:p/
green /gri:n/
sit /sɪt/
big /bɪg/
image /ˈɪmɪʤ/
women /ˈwɪmɪn/
lift / lɪft/
ticket /ˈtɪkɪt/
cat /kæt/
flat /flæt/
cab /kæb/
pad /pæd/
Africa /ˈæfrɪkə/
park /pɑ:k/
heart /hɑ:t/
ask /ɑ:sk/
glass /glɑ:s/
father /ˈfɑ:ðə/
book /bʊk/
good /gʊd/
pull /pʊl/
foot /fʊt/
butcher /ˈbʊʧə/
moon /mu:n/
blue /blu:/
soup /su:p/
group /gru:p/
juice /ʤu:s/
two /tu:/
world /wɜ:rld/
learn /lɜ:n/
girl /gɜ:l/
burn /bɜ:n/
worker /ˈwɜ:kə/
door /dɔ:/
ball /bɔ:l/
war /wɔ:/
call /kɔ:l/
hornet /ˈhɔ:nɪt/
gun /gʌn/
son /sʌn/
blood /blʌd/
London /lʌndən/
brother /ˈbrʌðə/
watch /wɒʧ/
shop /ʃɒp/
dog /dɒg/
hot /hɒt/
olive /ˈɒlɪv/
bet /bet/
shelf /ʃelf/
bread /bred/
egg /eg/
freshman /ˈfreʃmən/
ago /əˈkrɒs/
woman /ˈwʊmən/
forget /fəˈget/
America /əˈmerɪkə/
famous /ˈfeɪməs/
breakfast /ˈbrekfəst/